Yesterday was a good day. I got Quin to laugh. He's been smiling (and smirking wonder who he got that from) when I play with him lately. So I was actually trying to get a laugh from him. It sounded like a little hick-up at first but he had this big open mouth smile so I figured it was his version of a laugh.
I got the molassas cookies made yesterday, not sure why but this year I'm going for different with cookies, well different for me anyway. This was my first try at the molassas ones. I think that goes back to my number one craving while pregnant, the molassas chew cookies from Starbucks. Today I have to make pies for tomorrows party, I should say pie, if I make a chocolate cheese pie for other people Ken insists I make one for him.
Now how does the munchkin repay me for getting him to laugh he stays up late. Usually I have a feeding between 9 and 10 and he goes to sleep for a good 5-6 hours. Last night it felt like he was constantly attached to me. Must be a growth spurt coming up. It was 11:30 before he finally went down. I did finally get him to take a pacifier as well. I hope this keeps working because rocking him to sleep has gotten real old. That little quirk was Ken's fault. He found that when Quin fussed as he was drifting off and Ken rocked his seat, he'd go to sleep. Now he won't sleep, or won't sleep long unless rocked. This makes it really hard for me to get stuff done in the evenings. If this keeps up I may take him downstairs and Ken can rock him. You can see why if the pacifier works in helping him drift off instead how it would be better for me.
Just after dinner last night my sister called. She was giving me warning that she was giving our mom her birthday present early. When we were up there in November both Ken and I couldn't believe what bad shape her office chair was in. I mean you had to sit a certain way to even get it level. Talk about messing with your back, no wonder she has a standing appointment with both a chiropractor and a massage therapist. She got it second hand when her old chair fell apart. So I talked to my sister and asked if she wanted to chip in for a new chair for mom. She said yes. I ordered it and had it shipped to her. I did it a bit early my mom's birthday is the beginning of January, they had a sale going on so I could get a better chair for the same price I was willing to originally spend. Karen said her husband was laughing at her when she put it together over the weekend since it was a couple more weeks before they were bringing it over.
So Bill calls yesterday and tells Karen how my mom's chair keeps falling. You know the handle you press to raise it to fit your desk, well it falls all the way to the lowest setting, they pump it back up and as soon as any pressure is put on it it falls again. They took the whole thing apart to see if they could jerry rig something to keep it working. ( Mom is still on a tight budget) Karen called me to let me know she talked to Bill and while they're taking the dog to the vet, she was going to drop off the chair. She thought it was a good idea before mom decided to go out and get a new one, when we had one waiting for her. I think she forgot that mom wouldn't be able to do that right now, they had to get a new fridge a couple months ago so it's not in the budget.
My mom did call this morning to thank us. She was so happy, she wasn't sure what she would have done if they couldn't fix her old chair. Probably use one of the dining room chairs I guess.
I got to meet all Ken's coworkers this morning. The team was having breakfast over at Bob Evans, Ken needed to go because his boss needed him to sign his review for his bonus. We came along because everyone wanted to see the baby. This is the first bonus Ken has had in three years. He also got the highest rating possible from his boss. What a difference a year in a new team makes. Even when I first started seeing Ken the bonuses he got were small. From what he's heard this one will be pretty sizable. It'll show up in his paycheck in about a month. Just in time for holiday bills, we keep saying we'll cut back on spending for the holidays (like every year we say this) but it never happens. This will be welcome as it is slow season as well. He might book a few more weddings but he won't be shooting anything until April most likely.
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