Sunday, June 25, 2006

Okay I've had three dreams in the last two weeks on a similar theme. The most recent was last night. In all three I'm looking for something I've lost or forgotten where I put it. In one it was directions, in another keys, last night it was a box of tea. The other cominality was the mix of people from both my past and present, some of whom I'm still in contact many of whom I'm not.

Last night's was just weird to begin with. I'm cleaning out my car and somehow Ken has rigged it so that we have a turntable in the dashboard, so I'm cleaning out the mess of album covers. Pulling out the empty ones I because I want to keep whatever they hold on the turntable and the ones I don't I just, want out of the car. So while I'm cleaning a bunch of friends come up to see what I'm doing. Some are online friends, that I met at least one was an old friend in HS. I'm looking though the album covers weird mix, like one was a box set of something on Charles Manson, like an audio book in album form, the next was from Living Color a best of type of thing, (even though I already have everything in cassette) a Lenny Kravitz duets type thing (I was buying CDs by the time I bought his stuff). The last two have sexy men at least, not sure what's up with Charles Manson. But along with this stuff was an accordion folder of gov't files. It had been sealed at one point and I had opened it to start reading it but never got around to unsealing the actual files. It was on some scandal in either the Kennedy or Nixon presidencies. That's all I knew and Amy, the girl I knew from HS asked if she could read it. I said sure and let her have it.

From here it's almost like I went back in time to when I shared a house with several other single women, so before I met Ken. I had recently moved to another room because someone had moved out and I had been there longest, so could move up to a bigger room. I had all my online freinds in the room and we decided tea would be a good thing while we hung out. I had a particular kind I was looking for. It wasn't where I thought I put it. But it had been a couple months since I'd had tea because of warm weather, so I thought I'd put it somewhere else or lent it to a housemate. I end up going through the house looking for my box of tea. I find everything but the one I'm looking for. I asked the housemate I thought borrowed it. She was in the middle of setting up the dinning room for her very small wedding ceremony. (This woman had actually been one of my housemates several years ago) She said she'd returned it almost right after I lent it to her. Then I wander into the kitchen and talk to two more friends, Kris, one from HS and another former housemate, Jen (both of whom I talk to regularly and see a couple times a year) All I find are the boxes I had given to them as gifts. This is about when I woke up with [I]Delta Dawn [/I] stuck in my head. I haven't heard this song in years and even then the last time was a clip from a TV commercial so not even the whole song.

But waking up from my dream reminded me of the other two dreams. In one I'm supposed to meet up with Ken and Alex after going out with Aimee my best friend from college (I haven't heard from her in 5 years though I have tried contacting her, never heard back but nothing was ever returned to me either), and Sherri(the HS friend I met with last time I was visiting my mom). But I couldn't find my directions to the place I was to meet them anywhere in my bag. And I knew I had put them in there before I left.

The other dream is only a vague rememberence at this point. All I really remember was being at playgroup and losing my keys and needing them because I was going to meet Jen. The last I had remembered seeing them Alex had gotten them out of my bag.

I used to be really good about recording my dreams but I got out of the habit once I moved into the TH with Ken. For what ever reason my usually vivid and lucid dreams nearly vanished while we lived there. Obviously they're coming back of course this could all be pregnancy induced as well.

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