going along with yesterday's thoughts I wondered since Alex seems to have both our ticklish spots (Ken's entire torso especially his back, my ears, knees and feet)Does this mean it's possible for the new baby to have none at all. How tragic.
Why is it on the nights I get almost no sleep my son gets up the earliest. I have a cold it's gone from being completely stuffed up to past nasal drip in the last 24 hours. For some reason last night I couldn't get the pillows high enough so that it would drain instead of stick in my throat. So I decided to try the couch. Unfortunately the family room doesn't have a ceiling fan, and even though there are several vents the air doesn't circulate so the room was stifling (had been all day) in this heat. I may have gotten 2 hours of sleep. Around 5am I heard Alex over the monitor, whining a little then it got quiet so I assumed he'd gone back to sleep. I knew Ken would be up soon so I decided to try the bed again for a couple more hours of sleep. At least with the ceiling fan it'd be cooler. Still couldn't quite get propped up right. So around 6:30 Alex makes it know that he's tired of playing in his room. (guess he didn't go back to sleep).
We got up came downstairs and I decided I wasn't going to spend the morning playing with him in that stifling room and brought down the fan Ken had upstairs when we were painting. Oh my god it made such a huge difference. I placed it right by one of the vents too, so whenever the A/C kicks in we get a little extra blast of cool air. So around 9am I know I can take a little cat nap because Alex was watching Dora. While I'm lying there on my side he climbs up with his blanket and sits in the crook of my arm. It reminded me of when he was a little baby and after a feeding sometimes I'd lie down on the couch with him tucked next to me. I miss that. I was surprised he actually stayed put for 10 minutes before wandering off to play again.
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