Bed head may soon be a thing of the past, because monkey boy has been on a partial nap strike. I hope it's just the novelty of him getting used to being able to open the door to his room. I really need to get a doorknob cover. One of the mom's from play group said she had extra ones but I forgot to remind her last week. Not sure I can handle another week of whiny, cranky, willful boy.
Actually it's more like he naps every other day because he'll play one day and the next I'll take him up for an early nap (he's also back to his 5:30-6:00am wake up time) and gate him in and he'll sleep for 3 and a half hours. This says to me he still needs his afternoon nap. The first few nights we didn't gate him into his room until he after he came downstairs and had to be escorted back to bed. The last three days I just put the gate up at night. We'll hear him open his door but once he realizes he can't get out he goes back to bed. Like I said nap time has been hit or miss. Somedays I'll take him up read as tory and he's out in ten minutes. Others I'll hear him open his door then run around upstairs, play, sing, and have to escort him back to his room. Guess I'm just going to take to put the gate up all the time when he's supposed to be resting.
Before he could open his door, when I took him up I'd hear him playing for a half hour or so then he'd climb into bed and sleep. I guess if he thinks he can get out, he thinks he can stay up. :sigh: the whole not napping thing is messing with errand running. Because to be honest I hate taking him out when he's whiney. So I end up waiting until Ken gets home, unless we go first thing in the morning. But that's getting harder to do with my doctor's appointments getting more frequent, I schedule them in the morning. I feel bad for him too because he's not getting out of the house/yard as much as before either. I just can't deal with a cranky child in public right now, hormones do not help patience. There are somedays (today looks to be one of them) where he fights sleep tooth and nail. He went up for a nap (of his own accord) at 12:30 and two hours later he's still awake.
On to other things. Friday we test drove a Honda Odessy, very smooth quiet ride. We were going to trade in my car but with the features Ken deems neccessary we'd need a more expensive model. We're still making payments on my car so it actually hurts our financing. SO he's taking the ExTerra over tonight to see what kind of trade in we'd get on that. It's paid off and it's a gas guzzler. I have a feeling though that when I get home tonight we'll have a new car in the driveway.
Ultra sound tomorrow so I'll get to see buddah baby again. I didn't expect this one. I figured after the 20 week one it'd be like last time. I guess I'm just enough older this time around they feel like they need to keep checking on things.
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