Friday, August 25, 2006


Okay so I did actually say something to Ken about letting people by pass him. He was saying there was no way he could prove he'd been there first and he felt like if he said something he'd be using Alex as an excuse. I said it's not an excuse if it's true. I wouldn't have done anything during the negotiation but right after I would have asked how long everything else would take because my two year old son hadn't had dinner yet. I think they would have gotten the message and accomidated him if he had. He was like, "I'll remember that next time"

The other thing we learned this week, during off season don't cut deals for clients, it always comes back to bite you in the ass. Ken got a last minute wedding in February. They only needed him like three hours (second wedding for both). They saw the coffee table style albums and instead of a full price 30 page album made from the art board and leather he said we'd do a 20 page shared ink album, so the pages are regular paper costs us about a third of the price of the other. I've done three updates on thsi album after the first mock up. First one back they wanted image changes so I had no trouble with that. Second time No black backgrounds. Now pages that had them looked good because it popped the images. Fine I did a few screened backrounds with other photos but page with the formal group shots I left with a white background. It just distracted too much from the images to have a background on it. The day he got the mocks he called Ken and said he didn't want any plain backrounds at all. I did the changes but it's really offending my design sensibilities. I never have this much trouble with the people who are getting the full price coffee table albums.

That was my little vent. I don't mind using backgrounds obviously if you look at my scrap pages but usually if I have a lot of images on a page I limit the background to a solid color or a single pattern and by a lot of images I guess I mean more than 4. You need to leave space so the images can breath, so in wedding albums I'll use either a white or black background to do this. Okay I guess this is still burning me, or the hormones aren't helping. I don't know what.

Speakign of hormones, I'm actually feeling much better since yesterday's playgroup. I think I must have really popped in the last week. Because a couple of the mom's commented I look pregnant and they'd seen me last week. The big questing of the day was of course "so how are you feeling?"

"Tired" "oh chasing after your high energy toddler is finally getting to you" yeah that and I'm not sleeping well, though the last three nights have been better only up once a night to use the bathroom instead of 3-4 times. Finding a comfy position is the killer. So my good sleep usually starts around 3am but monkey boy is up at 6:30, three and a half hours of sleep is not cutting it. This combined with the fact that the last two weeks I don't know if he's going to take a 1 hour nap or his (previously) usual 3 hour nap. I'm not getting my nap in. Needless to say my patience is wearing really thin. I found out yesterday this is actually normal for every second time mom. By the 8th month almost every single mom in our group, who's had their second said they had no patience for their toddler at this point in the pregnancy. It makes me feel better about the break down the other day when I started bawling as soon as Ken walked in the door, because Alex wouldn't stop whining and wouldn't give me just ten minutes of peace.

My appointment today was short and sweet. Though I am supposed to start the kick counts (I of course left the chart on the desk at the dr's office). Not that it matters buddah baby seems to roll and punch and kick on a regular basis. Usually right after I have a BH contrax.

That's all I can think of for the moment, I'll try and post pictures tonight.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yep we're now owners of a Honda Odessy Ex, in Desert Rock Metallic. Ken did check out the Toyota a couple weeks ago. He liked the way the Honda handled better, and since he'll be driving it most of the time, now that we traded in his XTerra, I figure we'll go with what he wants, doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me. Besides with the trade in we got payments under $300 a month, so we didn't work too bad a deal.

Since I have to do my photo of the day for DSP still, I'll get pictures of it tonight when Ken gets home. Poor Alex last night after the story Ken told me I'm surprised he did so well. Ken got there around 5:30 finished negotiations by 6:30, but he did leave until after 9pm. It was slow until Ken showed up then everyone and their brother wanted to buy a car so that they dealership was actually short people to handle it all. I think Ken needs to be more aggressive sometimes, he's so easy going that people figure he won't mind if he's pushed to the end of the line. Shit if I was there I would have been getting on someone's ass especially if I had Alex with me. I'd have been "Excuse me, I haven't had dinner yet, my two year old needs to eat and be in bed by 8:30 latest, start helping me now." More politely but that would have been my basic gist right before the hormones kicked in with the tears, if they didn't get on it.

Anyway Ken said Alex was really good. He was cracking everyone up by repeating what they said, almost word for word. By the time they got to the finance guy he was singing at the top of his lungs, followed soon after by a round of motorboat noises. Ken said the finance guys had to try real hard not to laugh though he did crack a few smiles. So by the time the car was cleaned and the papers were signed it was a little after nine. By the time they had dinner Alex didn't get to bed until just before I got home from work.

He was up at his normal 6:30 today but after seeing the chripractor this morning we came home had lunch and he went down for a nap. I think it was 15 minutes tops before there was silence up stairs. Poor boy was exhausted. I had hoped he'd sleep at least three hours or more but no such luck. Mr whineypants was up after two and half hours and getting on my last nerve. I ended up bursting into tears when Ken got home.

Well baby boy is measuring a week ahead. The tech said that doesn't mean a whole lot right now in terms of how big he'll be at birth. I figured this one would be bigger than Alex was, but then I think most babies are bigger than Alex was when he was born. Good thing he gained weight really quickly. Good news is he his head down at this point. I was getting worried because up until right before our trip he liked lying transverse.

Monday, August 21, 2006

sweet memory Posted by Picasa

this is fun Posted by Picasa

running with the ball Posted by Picasa

keep laughing Posted by Picasa

the boys being silly Posted by Picasa

Comforter fun Posted by Picasa

Love that grin Posted by Picasa

getting comfy Posted by Picasa

This is the day he decided the cooler made a good bench. Posted by Picasa

Is it actually easier to play laying down? Posted by Picasa
Bed head may soon be a thing of the past, because monkey boy has been on a partial nap strike. I hope it's just the novelty of him getting used to being able to open the door to his room. I really need to get a doorknob cover. One of the mom's from play group said she had extra ones but I forgot to remind her last week. Not sure I can handle another week of whiny, cranky, willful boy.
Actually it's more like he naps every other day because he'll play one day and the next I'll take him up for an early nap (he's also back to his 5:30-6:00am wake up time) and gate him in and he'll sleep for 3 and a half hours. This says to me he still needs his afternoon nap. The first few nights we didn't gate him into his room until he after he came downstairs and had to be escorted back to bed. The last three days I just put the gate up at night. We'll hear him open his door but once he realizes he can't get out he goes back to bed. Like I said nap time has been hit or miss. Somedays I'll take him up read as tory and he's out in ten minutes. Others I'll hear him open his door then run around upstairs, play, sing, and have to escort him back to his room. Guess I'm just going to take to put the gate up all the time when he's supposed to be resting.
Before he could open his door, when I took him up I'd hear him playing for a half hour or so then he'd climb into bed and sleep. I guess if he thinks he can get out, he thinks he can stay up. :sigh: the whole not napping thing is messing with errand running. Because to be honest I hate taking him out when he's whiney. So I end up waiting until Ken gets home, unless we go first thing in the morning. But that's getting harder to do with my doctor's appointments getting more frequent, I schedule them in the morning. I feel bad for him too because he's not getting out of the house/yard as much as before either. I just can't deal with a cranky child in public right now, hormones do not help patience. There are somedays (today looks to be one of them) where he fights sleep tooth and nail. He went up for a nap (of his own accord) at 12:30 and two hours later he's still awake.
On to other things. Friday we test drove a Honda Odessy, very smooth quiet ride. We were going to trade in my car but with the features Ken deems neccessary we'd need a more expensive model. We're still making payments on my car so it actually hurts our financing. SO he's taking the ExTerra over tonight to see what kind of trade in we'd get on that. It's paid off and it's a gas guzzler. I have a feeling though that when I get home tonight we'll have a new car in the driveway.
Ultra sound tomorrow so I'll get to see buddah baby again. I didn't expect this one. I figured after the 20 week one it'd be like last time. I guess I'm just enough older this time around they feel like they need to keep checking on things.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Alex, this evening, did the funniest thing. Yesterday he found the crayola washable markers again, and has been coloring with them every chance he gets. But he also make me draw little pictures for him to color. Yesterday it was trains today it was houses. So after he colored the last house, not sure if it was #5 or 6. He put his foot on it on the table. "Skidoo?" I just chuckled then he does the little dance and says "Blue Skidoo, we can too" and puts his foot on the drawing again on the table. Grinning the entire time. I was just laughing after that. Then we went to watch Blue's baby brother yet again.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Reunion Weekend

Obviously I'm back, I think I caught up with everyone. Didn't necessarily post but I am caught up. I tried to keep up while at my mom's but realized nothing was really sinking in so gave up.
Thursday we left after Ken got home from work. Stopped at Longhorn in Hagerstown for dinner then drove on from there with a few stops here and there. The one that kind of frustrated me was when we switched drivers around 9:30. The rest area we stopped at on the Turnpike had a Starbucks and I really wanted a Mocha Frappichino but I wanted decaf because I knew if I had a regular one I'd be up until 4am. So I asked for a decaf one. "Oh we can't do those here?" They have decaf coffee, I know they did because I asked. She didn't get my hint. So I stalked off. I find pregnancy does not help me with my patience.

We had hoped Alex would sleep the entire trip after we stopped for dinner but no such luck. Stopped for a bathroom break outside of Grove City Pa and he woke. Was up the entire last part of the trip and was completely wired by the time we got to my mom's around 12:30. Took until 2am for him to finally drift off. He was of course up at 6:30. We took care of the real problem by nap time, which was the TV my mom has in the guest room. Unlike my sister's kids, the TV put them to sleep, it wakes mine right up. So we moved the TV into the closet. You should have seen the look on his face when we took him up for his nap and the TV was gone. He was in complete shock. Though after one story he stopped crying and settled down for his nap.

Once he woke around 3:30 we got going and headed out to BRU. I just have some little things to get, like mid weight sleepers and pacifiers. Even though Alex never used them I can't find more than two in the entire house. Replacement nipples for the bottles we have and nursing pads, that's what was on my list anyway. I ended up picking up a few more onsies in 3-6 month sicne I think I have enough little ones. I did find a cute Halloween sleeper, since the kid will be a month old at the most and a week old at the least once it rolls around. I still ended up spending about $140.

Came home and mom made Catfish and green onion potatoes. We got Alex to bed then headed over to the mixer for my reunion. It's funny how some people you can recognize immediately even if you've haven't seen them in 20 years and others you're just doing then dumb nod. "Yeah sure I know who you are" right... Of course the best intro of the night was one guy who came up to me. "Do you remember in 5th grade on our way back from out class trip to Toronto, I had a blister on my finger and you smashed it on the seat." Even if I didn't recognize him at first I knew exactly who that was. Now other people as soon as they said their name and I got a good look at their eyes it was "oh yeah"

Saturday we just hung out. Let Alex nap as long as he needed to that afternoon, almost 4 hours, then took him over to my sister's new house. Ken got a tour of the house. He's so happy they have a house now, then he doesn't feel like he should hide how well we're doing in comparison. (It was definately harder when they lived in a trailer) They got a great deal on it. It's in good condition, built in the 1920's, all the original woodwork around the doors and windows, as well as hardwood floors. It does need some fixing up but my sister's husband is looking forward to it. We stayed and talked until about 6:00. Then went back to my mom's to change and go to dinner. Alex stayed with my sister. I figured he'd enjoy spending time with his cousin's. I didn't think we'd end up staying for the entire dinner but had told her we'd call if it looked like we would and she'd take him back over to my mom's.

I liked the dinner alot better than the mixer. I got to spend more time talking to people and I'd say about half the people who were at the dinner hadn't been at the mixer and vis versa. Around 9:20 I tried calling my sister and got no answer, I tried again a little later still no one picked up, so I figured they'd taken Alex back to my mom's or had gone out. When the evening ended I called my mom and they weren't there so we went to my sister's to pick him up. The boy was so wired his eyes looked like saucers. He'd had his cousins to entertain all evening. He'd even tired Jessie out. I forgot to mention to Karen that TV wakes my child up not put him to sleep. He'd gone up with Jessie when she went to bed, she of course turned the TV on to go to sleep. Needless to say not long after he was traipsing down the stair to play some more.

At least he settled down pretty quick once we got him to my mom's. He even slept late for him anyway 7:30. We spent the early part of the day getting ready for the BBQ. We'd set up a lot of it the day before, like the tent and the tables and cleaned up the garage, so all we had to do was get down the chairs and prep food. Got Alex down for an early nap (he needed it) It was a nice afternoon. Just a few friends, Kris and her husband Scott, Patty, Sherri and her husband Chip, my mom and stepdad, and Karen and her family, and us. Good food, fun coversation and a huge surprise for my stepdad, people who help clean up as things wind down. Every summer my mom and Bill have a big BBQ/Picnic but the crew that comes is mostly family or friends of my stepbrothers Ray and Billy. Bill does a lot fo work to get things set up and usually no one helps with that, then he's at the grill all afternoon, and after everyone leaves him and mom are left with the mess to clean up the next day.

Needless to say I'm allowed to use my mom's house to entertain when I'm up visiting because we don't make Bill do all the work setting up, cooking or cleaning. My mom was glad we showed him that all he needs to do is ask and help is given. Maybe he'll make sure the boys help out next time he does something for them.

So Monday we planned on getting on the road by noon at the latest. It didn't happen. Around 9:00 I'd gone upstairs to get dressed and pack. I had pulled out most of my clothes and set them in the bathroom then went back to get a clean bra out of the dufflebag. I'm squating down and lean forward to search through stuff and a sharp pain shoots across my lower back. It took me a good ten minutes for me to be able to function enough to call for someone to help me. Ken helped me get dressed then ran down to tell my mom what was up while I brushed my teeth. By this point it was a dull pain except when I changed positions, say from standing to sitting. Mom called her chiropractor and got me in for a 10:30 appointment.

She was able to get me realigned and had me ice the muscles around the spot 15 on and 15 off until I could come back in at 2:30 for a second adjustment. She knew we were heading back home and made me promise to find someone once I was back home because, if it happened once it was more likely to happen again as my pregnancy went into the last stages. And I'd most certainly need another adjustment or two in the next week. At least at this point I was mobile enough that I could sit without too much trouble. It hurt a lot less when walking or standing that when sitting, so this was an improvement.

I was a bit stiff by the time we got home. Alex didnt sleep much this trip either, maybe about 3 hours. At least he's a pretty good traveler. Got home around 10:30 put him to bed then crawled in myself soon after. The boy actually let me sleep until 8am today. So I talked to my boss this morning about my mat leave then made an appointment with chiropractor down here. It was supposed to be at 3:30 but a certain some one decided not to actually nap and there was no way I was taking a whiny child into public. I think he was just so happy to see all his toys that he needed to play with all of them. I took him up around noon, it was quiet for a half hour, then I could hear him playing and chattering. Around 2:00 he opened his door ( I really need one of those knob covers) and came down to tell me he needed a diaper change. When that happened I called and rescheduled for 5pm after Ken got home.

I have a better understanding of why this will keep happening at least during my pregnancy. All the relaxin in my system keeps things from staying put once they are back in place, that combined with the baby getting bigger has put a lot of stress on those lower back muscles, so when they spasm my back goes out. She was surprised my sciatic nerve wasn't acting up since the kid likes to hang out so low. I'll see her again on Friday, in the mean time ice and heat as needed, no lifting especially Alex, and do some of the stretches she gave me.

I'll try and post pictures tomorrow. I've reached my sitting limit before stiffening up.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ultrasounds and Naptimes

Well I get another U/S seems that even though I only gained half a pound in the last two weeks, I'm now measuring two weeks ahead. So Buddha baby must be getting big, he's certainly been active at least the last few days, since Saturday afternoon. I mean rolling and kicking and punching and not in his normal pattern which was first thing in the morning, then at breakfast, mid afternoon, then dinner. I think I usually get kicked and punched because he likes to hang out low and when I sit down things get a little cramped. He was kicking me Sunday and Monday when I was at work. He is always quiet when I'm walking around, not this week. So at this point I'm still cleared to go to my cousin's wedding on sept 9th. She did say to make sure I have an appointment a couple days before I leave, so they can make sure nothing is going on. She said it would probably be good for me since it would take my mind off how bad the last six weeks are.

I taped the Blue's Clues/Blue's room special about Blue getting a baby brother. I figured it would be a good thing for Alex, though I'm pretty sure it's not going to completely click that we have a baby coming until it's here. Anyway he's driving me nuts. He'll watch it, then go play a while and suddenly get frantic "Blue baby bruder, blue baby bruder" For the last three days. nap time today was all drama. First of all he didn't want to go up which isn't particulatly unusual, but if I have all his favorite things and carry them up he'll follow. Then I tell him to read his monkey or trains, whatever, a story ten/ fifteen minutes later he's asleep.

Today I was doing laundry, so I stripped his bed because he was liquid boy last night and the diaper leaked a bit, I figured I'd do that along with the rest of his stuff. I will never change his sheets again without him watching me do it. He had a fit this afternoon when I took him up to his room for his nap because his green sheet was gone. There was no getting through to him that it was just being washed and would be back later. he was just getting hysterical. Then he starts to gag. I swept him up and deposited him in the tub. I was not going to clean up puke again. He started to calm down a bit but was still crying as I stripped him down, still gagging a bit. Once I got his diaper off and turned the water on he calmed down a lot faster. Fifteen minutes later and I had him dressed the fact that he had new sheets on the bed was fine, he didn't care anymore. The next problem was he's now figured out how to open his door. So I had to take him back upstairs twice, read him two stories before he finally settled down. Which means it was almost three before he fell asleep, an hour and a half after I first took him upstairs. There went my quiet time for the afternoon.

I know it's a bit selfish but I really like having 2-3 hours an afternoon to do what I want whether it's play online or actually do housework with out someone underfoot. I know in a couple of months I'm going to have almost no down time, for a while. I'm just really enjoying it while I can.
We leave tomorrow after Ken gets home for Erie. So I'll be around but not really posting. We come back Monday.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I learned one thing today. It's a very good idea to take your two year old with you when you are doing preliminary car shopping. You can use him as an excuse to get out of there when the sales guys start trying to put the pressure on. Though I did notice that when we went to the Honda and Toyota dealerships they, very much let the customer take the lead, no pressure at all. Ken did get a little annoyed with the guy at Toyota though because he was a little to stand backish. He didn't explain features, he didn't get excited about anything. His attitude was 'you buy or you don't, no skin off my back'. As we do more research Ken keeps getting more excited about buying a minivan. It's fine by me, we already decided that since we aren't making payments anymore on the xterra, in order to extend it's useful life I'll be using it most of the time since I make short local trips most days. He'll drive the minivan to and from work and of course it'll be our trip car. I'll take it whenever I'm doing a longer haul as well, like trips to Baltimore for the zoo or museums or whatever.

My mom called yesterday to let me know that my Aunt Bonnie will be coming over next weekend as well. I don't mind really. My mom thought it would be good for her and she also thought Ken needed to be exposed to her. Especially since hasn't really, the one time he met her was at my cousin (her son) David's wedding. She was distracted and my stepdad had taken Ken in hand and gotten him thouroughly smashed on Rum and Coke. Also because it's iffy that I'll make it to Jason's wedding, which is five and a half weeks before I'm due, she'd get to spend sometime with me. I really want to go to the wedding and as of now my cut off for travel is week 36, but since they're keeping an eye on my bloodpressure, it'll depend on my appointment the week before.

We did some preliminary plans for the BBQ next Sunday as well. Looks like people will come around 3:30-4:00. That way we have time to set up and get food prepped and Alex gets a nap before the excitment begins.

Alex did the cutest thing this evening. He was playing at the train table after dinner and I think he hit his belly on something so it really hurt. He kept saying "Belly button hurt, Belly button hurt." So I asked him if he wanted me to kiss it or rub it, which it usually what I do for bumps. He got all frantic "bathtub, Bathtub, bathtub" So I took him upstairs and got him undressed and started the water. He kept trying to put his belly in the water stream. I handed him a cup so he could dump water on himself. I think Now he thinks whenever his belly hurts he's going to throw up so he wants to be in the bathtub so he doesn't get everything messed up.

After his bath he was all happy. We got PJs on and went back downstairs to watch the Blues Clues special. He enjoyed it alot. It's probably good thing I taped it.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Some how yesterday I ended up having to wash Alex's comforter twice. Usually I wash it every couple of weeks or so. So when his diaper leaked during nap time I didn't really think about it. It was due for a wash anyway. Even though I had changed him before laying him down, he's been downing extra liquids because of the heat. The diaper couldn't handle the extra capacity I guess.

The second time came about because even though he was upstairs two and a half hours he probably only slept 40 minutes. So between that and the early morning he was over tired by bed time. I gave him a small cup of milk, then we went up stairs and did bedtime routine, two stories, a few songs then goodnights. He was whining a little about a cut on his thumb, it was really small but I went and got him a band aid anyway. I put it on he was all happy because it was all better. Unfortunately it was on the thumb he sucks. After I went downstairs I guess he unwrapped his thumb. Well the band aid stuck to itself and this upset him. I heard him start crying to I went upstairs and he was almost in hysterics about it. (definately overtired) I told him I'd get him another and went and got it. He was crying the entire time but as soon as I walked in and showed him he started to calm down. I think it must have been too late at that point, he'd already upset his stomach. So moments after he lay back down he threw up. The look of shock on his face was almost funny. Curdled milk was everywhere, his arms, his face, his chest, his hair and of course on the comforter. I found a couple of uncovered spots and carried him to the tub, where he threw up again. I started the water then undressed him, as soon as he realized he could start to rinse himself off he was fine. Then he took the cup and started rinsing down the mess in the tub. I stripped the bed and started an actual bath for him. I got Ken to take the mess down to the laundry room so I could make the bed. 45 minutes after I originally had him settled in bed he was back in and drifting off with a new band aid on his finger instead of his thumb.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ticklish spots, no sleep and cuddling

going along with yesterday's thoughts I wondered since Alex seems to have both our ticklish spots (Ken's entire torso especially his back, my ears, knees and feet)Does this mean it's possible for the new baby to have none at all. How tragic.

Why is it on the nights I get almost no sleep my son gets up the earliest. I have a cold it's gone from being completely stuffed up to past nasal drip in the last 24 hours. For some reason last night I couldn't get the pillows high enough so that it would drain instead of stick in my throat. So I decided to try the couch. Unfortunately the family room doesn't have a ceiling fan, and even though there are several vents the air doesn't circulate so the room was stifling (had been all day) in this heat. I may have gotten 2 hours of sleep. Around 5am I heard Alex over the monitor, whining a little then it got quiet so I assumed he'd gone back to sleep. I knew Ken would be up soon so I decided to try the bed again for a couple more hours of sleep. At least with the ceiling fan it'd be cooler. Still couldn't quite get propped up right. So around 6:30 Alex makes it know that he's tired of playing in his room. (guess he didn't go back to sleep).

We got up came downstairs and I decided I wasn't going to spend the morning playing with him in that stifling room and brought down the fan Ken had upstairs when we were painting. Oh my god it made such a huge difference. I placed it right by one of the vents too, so whenever the A/C kicks in we get a little extra blast of cool air. So around 9am I know I can take a little cat nap because Alex was watching Dora. While I'm lying there on my side he climbs up with his blanket and sits in the crook of my arm. It reminded me of when he was a little baby and after a feeding sometimes I'd lie down on the couch with him tucked next to me. I miss that. I was surprised he actually stayed put for 10 minutes before wandering off to play again.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I know each child has his own personality but I've noticed some things they take from each parent. And I don't think it's from observing us so much as an inate part of the personality. So in some ways Alex is like me and in some ways like his dad. An of course there are some things that are just typical reaction because of his age and stage. He's noisy in his sleep, he'll talk and cry out just like his dad. I realized yesterday that it need for time between waking up and actually getting he also got from his dad. Ken sets his alarm for 5am. He hits the snooze 2-3 times so that he gets up at 5:20. Me on the other hand, I set the alarm for the time I want to get up and I get up. I've found that if I let Alex sit up in his room 10-15 minutes after I hear him wake up, in the morning or naptime, that when I go in I get a cheery "hi Mummy". If I don't I get tears. So he needs that time to wake up just like Ken.

On the other hand he's an early riser just like I was. I remember my mom telling stories from when I was three/four years old. I'd get up around the time my dad left for work. My mom is a late sleeper whenever she's given a chance. So a kid who's up at 6am everyday was not something she looked forward to. My sister was a lot like her, and liked her sleep. So we got into a routine where I'd get up, she left a box of cereal on the table for me. I'd take it into the livingroom, and watch TV with the volume so low if you were more than a foot away you couldn't hear it, eating cereal from the box. She'd get up a couple hours later and make us a hot breakfast.
So I'm having to deal with the same thing. Though most of the time I just need an extra hour. So it's been nice with him in a regular bed. He can get out and play with his toys and I can get a little extra sleep. When he was in the crib I had to get up with him because he wanted out so he could play.

Of course there is the drama which he comes by naturally from both of us and it's compunded by the nature of him just being two. I have to try so hard not to laugh sometimes. He'll drop something and I'll hear "OH NOOOO!, I can't reach it." And the item whatever it is, is next to his foot, his hand is two inches above it. All he needs to do is bend his knees. But he's acting like it's the end of the world. He of course realizes that I'm not going to get it for him within moments and bends down and picks it up. Then I congratulate him on doing it all by himself. It's just so hard to keep a straight face when he does this. It's a daily occurence, usually several times.

All this makes me wonder what tendencies this baby is going to take from each of us and add a little of his own to the mix. It's a little scary to think about.