I meant to post on here Wednesday but I was up loading a bunch of stuff to smugmug and since I had an album to put together I did that while all the pictures uploaded. Didn't help that while I'm putting this album together I'm getting hot flashes. I know the air was on, I heard it kick in every 20 minutes or so and if I stood right over the vent I could feel it. But sitting on the couch not 5 feet away I was sweating. BH contrax were driving me nuts yesterday. They didn't hurt but were uncomfortable. And buddah baby likes lying transverse so keeps kicking my on my lower left side. This means I can't lay on my left side, actually either side, very long. If it's the left side he starts kicking if it's the right he starts rolling.
At least today he changed position and all the kicks, while we were at playgroup were at my belly button. Not sure if it'll be a relief or not when he turns head down. So I'm to every other week appointments now can't believe how soon this baby will be here.
I've had to curb my ebay impulses so one purchase a week. So last week I found the outfit I really, really wanted the one by Kissy Kissy for about half the price I've seen it online else where this was with the shipping. I of course bought it even though I'd already bought the set by sleepsack. The problem with the sleepsack set is that it's 0-6 months and I'm pretty sure that'll be too big, Alex was 6lbs 6oz, I seriously doubt this baby will be much over 7lbs if that. The Kissy Kissy outfit was newborn so upto 8lbs. Heh I'll pack them both just incase. So anyway I'm watching a bunch of Hotslings and the bedding set I wanted. I'll actually have to wait until next week before I buy anything else, so need to go update everything and put out new watches.
:cry: It's official my baby is going to preschool in January. We enrolled him at the Goddard School. I forgot to post this yesteday but Wednesday we went to the open house they've been holding all week. I met with the Director/Owner. Then we went for a tour of the school. They had the zoomobile there that day. So we got to see a Hissing Cockroach from Madagascar, Diamondback Terrapin (my university mascot),a couple of ducks named Ritz and Triscuit, as well as a skunk named Flower. I really like their philosphy of teaching. They help kids learn things like numbers, letters and word through exploration, whether it's nature, art,music what ever. The other thing I really like it they group kids by abilities not necessarily age. So Alex will probably be in the [B]get started [/B]program which is actually one step down from actual preschool. Three half days a week is where were begin. We'll see where he's going and maybe next fall it'll be five half days or three full days. Who knows, I just know he'll have to be ready for full day kindergarten in fall of '09, so we have time. When I dropped the application and fee off today I was told to bring Alex by next Wednesday they're doing pony rides. So we're not even ready to start yet and they make us feel welcome.
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