You know a lazy boy sofa can be too much of a good thing. There are days I find myself just sitting there for like 5 minutes and I start to drift off to sleep. I'm not the only one the same thing happens to Ken. And of course once you feel sleepy you always grab a pillow and stretch out on the thing. I think the only time this doesn't happen is when Alex is jumping and climbing on it.
Well we finally managed to get Alex back in the pool. I'm not sure what happened but right we'd been taking swim classes starting around when he turned 7-8 months. Just before his second birthday he decided he didn't like the pool any more. Now he still took a bath no problem and he loves to play with water in the sink. No pools. So I stopped the classes figuring we'd be back to take them sometime later in the spring summer. Didn't happen. He wouldn't even go into the inflatable pool he loved so much last summer. It's weird how these fears just suddenly appear for no real reason once a child get close to two. It surprised me how suddenly aware he became of the world around him and some of the dangers it holds. It almost seemed like it happened over night.
Yesterday we were at a birthday party that was held at the Bel Air Athletic club. They let members have parties out by the pool in the summer. We basically had the kiddy pool to ourselves. It was unbelievably hot yesterday. I'm sure the heat index was over 100 even if the actualy temps didn't quite make it. All the kids were in the pool except Alex. Who was standing either by the table or the lounge chairs dripping sweat. He would barely go within a foot of the pool.
One of the other kids was pouring water out on the concrete. So puddles started to accumulate. Alex loves to splash in puddles. I got him to take his socks and shoes off and at least splash in the puddles. The water in the kiddy pool was like bath water in temperature. It's only a foot deep so with the sun beating down it had been heating up all day. The party was late afternoon. Ken decided to take a swim in the regular pool to cool off. He came back all wet which got Alex curious. There were three older girls in the pool for a bit, by older I mean 6or7. Ken pointed them out to Alex knowing how he likes to flirt with older women. This got him a bit closer to the water. So we're sitting on the edge of the pool with our feet in it, and Alex spotted a toy with in reach. He picked it up played with it a little then threw it back in. We wouldn't get it but if he sat on the edge and got his feet wet he could reach it. So he did, he did this a couple more times before throwing it out further. In order to get it he had to actually step down in the pool this time, and he did. After that I was able to get him out of his clothes and into a swim diaper. He spent the next half hour playing and splashing in the pool.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
I meant to post on here Wednesday but I was up loading a bunch of stuff to smugmug and since I had an album to put together I did that while all the pictures uploaded. Didn't help that while I'm putting this album together I'm getting hot flashes. I know the air was on, I heard it kick in every 20 minutes or so and if I stood right over the vent I could feel it. But sitting on the couch not 5 feet away I was sweating. BH contrax were driving me nuts yesterday. They didn't hurt but were uncomfortable. And buddah baby likes lying transverse so keeps kicking my on my lower left side. This means I can't lay on my left side, actually either side, very long. If it's the left side he starts kicking if it's the right he starts rolling.
At least today he changed position and all the kicks, while we were at playgroup were at my belly button. Not sure if it'll be a relief or not when he turns head down. So I'm to every other week appointments now can't believe how soon this baby will be here.
I've had to curb my ebay impulses so one purchase a week. So last week I found the outfit I really, really wanted the one by Kissy Kissy for about half the price I've seen it online else where this was with the shipping. I of course bought it even though I'd already bought the set by sleepsack. The problem with the sleepsack set is that it's 0-6 months and I'm pretty sure that'll be too big, Alex was 6lbs 6oz, I seriously doubt this baby will be much over 7lbs if that. The Kissy Kissy outfit was newborn so upto 8lbs. Heh I'll pack them both just incase. So anyway I'm watching a bunch of Hotslings and the bedding set I wanted. I'll actually have to wait until next week before I buy anything else, so need to go update everything and put out new watches.
:cry: It's official my baby is going to preschool in January. We enrolled him at the Goddard School. I forgot to post this yesteday but Wednesday we went to the open house they've been holding all week. I met with the Director/Owner. Then we went for a tour of the school. They had the zoomobile there that day. So we got to see a Hissing Cockroach from Madagascar, Diamondback Terrapin (my university mascot),a couple of ducks named Ritz and Triscuit, as well as a skunk named Flower. I really like their philosphy of teaching. They help kids learn things like numbers, letters and word through exploration, whether it's nature, art,music what ever. The other thing I really like it they group kids by abilities not necessarily age. So Alex will probably be in the [B]get started [/B]program which is actually one step down from actual preschool. Three half days a week is where were begin. We'll see where he's going and maybe next fall it'll be five half days or three full days. Who knows, I just know he'll have to be ready for full day kindergarten in fall of '09, so we have time. When I dropped the application and fee off today I was told to bring Alex by next Wednesday they're doing pony rides. So we're not even ready to start yet and they make us feel welcome.
At least today he changed position and all the kicks, while we were at playgroup were at my belly button. Not sure if it'll be a relief or not when he turns head down. So I'm to every other week appointments now can't believe how soon this baby will be here.
I've had to curb my ebay impulses so one purchase a week. So last week I found the outfit I really, really wanted the one by Kissy Kissy for about half the price I've seen it online else where this was with the shipping. I of course bought it even though I'd already bought the set by sleepsack. The problem with the sleepsack set is that it's 0-6 months and I'm pretty sure that'll be too big, Alex was 6lbs 6oz, I seriously doubt this baby will be much over 7lbs if that. The Kissy Kissy outfit was newborn so upto 8lbs. Heh I'll pack them both just incase. So anyway I'm watching a bunch of Hotslings and the bedding set I wanted. I'll actually have to wait until next week before I buy anything else, so need to go update everything and put out new watches.
:cry: It's official my baby is going to preschool in January. We enrolled him at the Goddard School. I forgot to post this yesteday but Wednesday we went to the open house they've been holding all week. I met with the Director/Owner. Then we went for a tour of the school. They had the zoomobile there that day. So we got to see a Hissing Cockroach from Madagascar, Diamondback Terrapin (my university mascot),a couple of ducks named Ritz and Triscuit, as well as a skunk named Flower. I really like their philosphy of teaching. They help kids learn things like numbers, letters and word through exploration, whether it's nature, art,music what ever. The other thing I really like it they group kids by abilities not necessarily age. So Alex will probably be in the [B]get started [/B]program which is actually one step down from actual preschool. Three half days a week is where were begin. We'll see where he's going and maybe next fall it'll be five half days or three full days. Who knows, I just know he'll have to be ready for full day kindergarten in fall of '09, so we have time. When I dropped the application and fee off today I was told to bring Alex by next Wednesday they're doing pony rides. So we're not even ready to start yet and they make us feel welcome.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Ken has been trying to finish off the shelving unit he started after he made the bed so we can get that up into Alex's room. I think he'll be working on the floor the first weekend in Aug.
I'm curious as to how Alex will react to a baby around. He's seen the other new babies at playgroup and most of the time he ignores them even when mommy is holding one. Though he has played with Logan a few times just because I was.
My appointment went well today. I've only gained a half pound in the last four weeks. YAY me!! So I'm at 19lbs up at this point. If I can keep this up I should keep the weight gain to under 25, which was my goal. My ankles seem to be normal lately a little puffy but no tree stumps. They told me they won't let the baby go longer than a week past due date. So the 24th-26th at the latest. My Glucose test came back good. And they said they'll keep an eye on my BP as I get closer to the end and we'll go from there if it shoots up again.
Not much going on this week. I'll be stuck using my old camera a few days. Ken's assistant is looking to buy a new camera and the d70 is one of the ones she's looking at. We told her she could borrow mine for a few days to see how it handles. Other than going to check out the Goddard School open house this week we're not doing much. Though there is a birthday party Saturday.
Ken has a wedding next Sunday and he's all worried he's gonna die. The Mother of the Groom was describing all the family feuds on the bride's side of the family. He's glad it's only a six hour shoot and that he's just handing them the image files. I guess he's ot good at dealing with drama. I can't understand why our son is all about drama. Unfortunately I think it's a trait of children born in the year of the monkey. My mom says I was very dramatic, I've heard stories about Ken when he was little, they were afraid he'd pull his hair out when he got upset. It's good to know he'll grow out of it, because we did it just might be HS before it happens. :sigh:
I'm curious as to how Alex will react to a baby around. He's seen the other new babies at playgroup and most of the time he ignores them even when mommy is holding one. Though he has played with Logan a few times just because I was.
My appointment went well today. I've only gained a half pound in the last four weeks. YAY me!! So I'm at 19lbs up at this point. If I can keep this up I should keep the weight gain to under 25, which was my goal. My ankles seem to be normal lately a little puffy but no tree stumps. They told me they won't let the baby go longer than a week past due date. So the 24th-26th at the latest. My Glucose test came back good. And they said they'll keep an eye on my BP as I get closer to the end and we'll go from there if it shoots up again.
Not much going on this week. I'll be stuck using my old camera a few days. Ken's assistant is looking to buy a new camera and the d70 is one of the ones she's looking at. We told her she could borrow mine for a few days to see how it handles. Other than going to check out the Goddard School open house this week we're not doing much. Though there is a birthday party Saturday.
Ken has a wedding next Sunday and he's all worried he's gonna die. The Mother of the Groom was describing all the family feuds on the bride's side of the family. He's glad it's only a six hour shoot and that he's just handing them the image files. I guess he's ot good at dealing with drama. I can't understand why our son is all about drama. Unfortunately I think it's a trait of children born in the year of the monkey. My mom says I was very dramatic, I've heard stories about Ken when he was little, they were afraid he'd pull his hair out when he got upset. It's good to know he'll grow out of it, because we did it just might be HS before it happens. :sigh:
Friday, July 21, 2006
OH it is so nice to have my house back. I know my ILs were only here a day and a half essentially but man it was a huge crimp in our living style compaired to the almost none while my niece and nephew were here for ten days. I couldn't really use the downstairs bathroom because one or the other of them were in there. Then they decided that they'd both sleep on the sleeper sofa in the family room. They go to bed at 9pm. So Ken and I were relegated to the basement for two evenings if we wanted to watch TV. I had no use of my computer during the day since I had to entertain them and none at night because when the sleeper is open in blocks my desk. I could check e-mail on Ken's computer and keep up with people but since he had work to do on the last wedding he shot I couldn't stay on long. We did hang a bunch of stuff yesterday. The 4 12x12's Ken printed for me as well as some of Ken's wedding stuff.
Alex did enjoy the visit so that was a good thing to come out of it. He did his pouty thing again in the morning when he found out they were going home. But they left while we were at playgroup so he was been pretty good in the afternoon, at least he was before his nap. He was a bit whiney and needed a lot of attentionduring the evening. So my glucose testis coming up. Not looking forward to that. Guess I'll make eggs for breakfast since that's mostly protien, then go in to the lab for the test. Next week is the open house at the Goddard School. I think I'm going to take Alex over Wednesday morning so we can meet the teachers and see if this is where we want to send him next fall.
That's about it except my Aunt called the other morning reminding me that I need to make hotel reservations for my cousin's wedding real soon. I have to call my mom and get the hotel info. This is why my aunt called me, she couldn't find hers, they sent it out with the save the date, stuff early in the spring. Normally I keep everything together on my desk as it comes in, like I did for Justin's wedding last year. Not sure where this vanished to. I have the shower invite and registry info and I just got the invitation. But I can't find any of the stuff that came before that.
This lab gave me the berry flavor, and it was ice cold so it went down pretty easy. The last time they gave me the orange and it wasn't cold. I'm not a fan of orange soda to begin with. So flat warm orange flavor took me the entire five minutes to down.
I will never ever make corn beef hash for breakfast(with eggs) while I'm pregnant ever again. If I do someone come slap me. The gas I've had today has been horrible, I'm belching constantly. Nothing helps. Water, sitting up, lying down, walking around, even lunch. My back is starting to hurt right in the middle now because of this. I guess it's the way I'm holding myself to relieve the pressure.
Well the painting is done. Ken can now put in the laminate floor. Once that's doen we can start moving furniture back into the nursery. It only took us a week between the first coat and the second. Of course I had planned on doing the second coat wednesday but couldn't with my ILs here.
Alex did enjoy the visit so that was a good thing to come out of it. He did his pouty thing again in the morning when he found out they were going home. But they left while we were at playgroup so he was been pretty good in the afternoon, at least he was before his nap. He was a bit whiney and needed a lot of attentionduring the evening. So my glucose testis coming up. Not looking forward to that. Guess I'll make eggs for breakfast since that's mostly protien, then go in to the lab for the test. Next week is the open house at the Goddard School. I think I'm going to take Alex over Wednesday morning so we can meet the teachers and see if this is where we want to send him next fall.
That's about it except my Aunt called the other morning reminding me that I need to make hotel reservations for my cousin's wedding real soon. I have to call my mom and get the hotel info. This is why my aunt called me, she couldn't find hers, they sent it out with the save the date, stuff early in the spring. Normally I keep everything together on my desk as it comes in, like I did for Justin's wedding last year. Not sure where this vanished to. I have the shower invite and registry info and I just got the invitation. But I can't find any of the stuff that came before that.
This lab gave me the berry flavor, and it was ice cold so it went down pretty easy. The last time they gave me the orange and it wasn't cold. I'm not a fan of orange soda to begin with. So flat warm orange flavor took me the entire five minutes to down.
I will never ever make corn beef hash for breakfast(with eggs) while I'm pregnant ever again. If I do someone come slap me. The gas I've had today has been horrible, I'm belching constantly. Nothing helps. Water, sitting up, lying down, walking around, even lunch. My back is starting to hurt right in the middle now because of this. I guess it's the way I'm holding myself to relieve the pressure.
Well the painting is done. Ken can now put in the laminate floor. Once that's doen we can start moving furniture back into the nursery. It only took us a week between the first coat and the second. Of course I had planned on doing the second coat wednesday but couldn't with my ILs here.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I have a very mopy little boy today. My mom left with my niece and nephew this morning. I think Alex knew it was coming all morning, so he kind of distanced himself from everyone. Even as they said good bye from the door he wouldn't get out of his chair. It's like he thought if he ignored it they wouldn't leave. The big surprise for me was the kids didn't want to leave either. I'm chalking up the lack of enthusiasm for anything to age. Any time we asked them if the liked something or had fun the answer was "it was okay" Something to look forward to in 8-9 years, the joys of being a parent to preteens.
I was able to take Alex's mind off his mopiness (is that a word?) by having him help me clean up the family room so I could vacuum. Nothing like having guests coming over to get you motivated to clean. I host playgroup tomorrow. I probably should have traded with someone but oh well. The entire first floor has been swept, dusted, and vacuumed and the bathroom cleaned.Laundry is almost finished, my third load just has to be moved to the dryer.
I really hate hot muggy weather, I've lived in this area how long? 15-20 years you'd think at this point I would be used to summer weather here. I just want to go back to Rehoboth Beach. Yesterday was gorgeous there. A nice breeze just enough cloudiness so that the sun isn't beating down on you. The ocean was a brisk 72-75 degrees, perfect. My mom kept thanking me last night and this morning for taking her. I know she missed having her annual trip to the beach the last three years. I'm gathering info so we can plan a week long trip for next summer. My mom definately wants to come, she's hoping to convince my sister to join us. If not she's kidnapping the kids again.
Alex had a grand time too. It was one huge sandbox to him. You should have seen his face light up when he saw all that sand.:roflol: At the end I even got him to go in the water a bit, getting him past his current fear of water. Earlier in the afternoon we just played in the sand close to the water. Then later we went back up and played just inches from where the tide was hitting. Eventually I got him to stand up and move a bit closer. The first time the water hit his toes he was so surprised he sat down. By the third or forth time he was laughing. At about 4 we packed up took everything back to the car and wandered the boardwalk a bit. Played some skee ball Jessie won two animals, I won one. Mom said her and Brandon just had bad lanes. :lol: Alex helped me for a bit at first. He'd throw the balls on to the lane, I'd wait for them to roll back to me then make my actual roll. Then he saw the box with the animal prizes, and started playing with one of the snakes. So when I finally won one, I told him he could keep it. He kept putting it back, he was being polite I guess, he knew they weren't his so when he was done he put it back. It was too cute, finally I convinced him it was okay, that he could have one.
We got home a little after 7:00. I ordered dinner. Alex had french fries twice that day, made him very happy. Mom had the kids get most of their stuff together and take showers. Sge knows how much they hate getting up in the morning and figured they'd rather sleep longer than get moving so they coule be on the road by 9am. (They ended up leaving at 9:30 but close enough).
Let's see Monday was boring day. I figured we'd do nothing since I had to wait around all afternoon for Ken's drill press to be delivered. Guess what, the guy showed at noon. So after Alex's nap we went to Coldstone. Alex is really starting to recognize places. As soon as we got to the main road before I turn into the plaza it's in he started calling "ice cream, ice cream" Which is sad in a way, I thought I only went there every couple months but I guess it's been more often than I thought. I get home Ken has already moved the drill press down to his workroom, I hand him his ice cream and get a huge kiss. Can you say good mood.
I got everything together so I could go to work, then go out and grab the mail. And what do I find in the mail a letter from The photo I submitted is a semi finalist in their amature photography competition for the children's category. It's going to be published in one of the books the International Library of Photography puts out several times a year. I could careless if I win, though a $1000 is nothing to sneeze at. Ken's reaction was "Photography is good to this family"
My mom stopped in B&N while I was working, her and Jessie found something to read, Brandon just followed his sister around and annoyed her. Anyway she told me Ken was so proud of himself he Iron Chefed it for dinner. Meaning he came up from his hole, I mean workshop, and realized it was 6:15 and there were people in the house and no dinner. I hadn't left anything out for him figuring he'd be grilling something anyway. Put he put something together using the ground turkey we bought Saturday. To top that off Alex actually ate pretty good at dinner, surprising since he'd had ice cream earlier in the afternoon.
Sunday I worked as well. My mom got in about an hour before I got home. She told me my uncle Chris had offered to pay for her room out in CA so she could go to the reunion, (or "Gathering of the Clan" as my mom's Aunt Peggy calls it). My mom had told him if he'd asked her two weeks ago she probably would have jumped on it but between starting with a new client and everything being up in the air with the firm she can't now. I did burn couple CD's of the photos I've scanned and restored, for her to give to Chris today so he can take them to CA. They're meeting him for lunch on the way back because he wants to see the kids. So since Sunday night I've been trying to get through as many of the little photos as I can. I ended up send a bunch that were scan only. Even though it takes only 15-20 minutes on the little ones there were close to 40 left that I hadn't gotten to. Now I'm back to working at my leisure which means after the album I have due the 19th.
I was able to take Alex's mind off his mopiness (is that a word?) by having him help me clean up the family room so I could vacuum. Nothing like having guests coming over to get you motivated to clean. I host playgroup tomorrow. I probably should have traded with someone but oh well. The entire first floor has been swept, dusted, and vacuumed and the bathroom cleaned.Laundry is almost finished, my third load just has to be moved to the dryer.
I really hate hot muggy weather, I've lived in this area how long? 15-20 years you'd think at this point I would be used to summer weather here. I just want to go back to Rehoboth Beach. Yesterday was gorgeous there. A nice breeze just enough cloudiness so that the sun isn't beating down on you. The ocean was a brisk 72-75 degrees, perfect. My mom kept thanking me last night and this morning for taking her. I know she missed having her annual trip to the beach the last three years. I'm gathering info so we can plan a week long trip for next summer. My mom definately wants to come, she's hoping to convince my sister to join us. If not she's kidnapping the kids again.
Alex had a grand time too. It was one huge sandbox to him. You should have seen his face light up when he saw all that sand.:roflol: At the end I even got him to go in the water a bit, getting him past his current fear of water. Earlier in the afternoon we just played in the sand close to the water. Then later we went back up and played just inches from where the tide was hitting. Eventually I got him to stand up and move a bit closer. The first time the water hit his toes he was so surprised he sat down. By the third or forth time he was laughing. At about 4 we packed up took everything back to the car and wandered the boardwalk a bit. Played some skee ball Jessie won two animals, I won one. Mom said her and Brandon just had bad lanes. :lol: Alex helped me for a bit at first. He'd throw the balls on to the lane, I'd wait for them to roll back to me then make my actual roll. Then he saw the box with the animal prizes, and started playing with one of the snakes. So when I finally won one, I told him he could keep it. He kept putting it back, he was being polite I guess, he knew they weren't his so when he was done he put it back. It was too cute, finally I convinced him it was okay, that he could have one.
We got home a little after 7:00. I ordered dinner. Alex had french fries twice that day, made him very happy. Mom had the kids get most of their stuff together and take showers. Sge knows how much they hate getting up in the morning and figured they'd rather sleep longer than get moving so they coule be on the road by 9am. (They ended up leaving at 9:30 but close enough).
Let's see Monday was boring day. I figured we'd do nothing since I had to wait around all afternoon for Ken's drill press to be delivered. Guess what, the guy showed at noon. So after Alex's nap we went to Coldstone. Alex is really starting to recognize places. As soon as we got to the main road before I turn into the plaza it's in he started calling "ice cream, ice cream" Which is sad in a way, I thought I only went there every couple months but I guess it's been more often than I thought. I get home Ken has already moved the drill press down to his workroom, I hand him his ice cream and get a huge kiss. Can you say good mood.
I got everything together so I could go to work, then go out and grab the mail. And what do I find in the mail a letter from The photo I submitted is a semi finalist in their amature photography competition for the children's category. It's going to be published in one of the books the International Library of Photography puts out several times a year. I could careless if I win, though a $1000 is nothing to sneeze at. Ken's reaction was "Photography is good to this family"
My mom stopped in B&N while I was working, her and Jessie found something to read, Brandon just followed his sister around and annoyed her. Anyway she told me Ken was so proud of himself he Iron Chefed it for dinner. Meaning he came up from his hole, I mean workshop, and realized it was 6:15 and there were people in the house and no dinner. I hadn't left anything out for him figuring he'd be grilling something anyway. Put he put something together using the ground turkey we bought Saturday. To top that off Alex actually ate pretty good at dinner, surprising since he'd had ice cream earlier in the afternoon.
Sunday I worked as well. My mom got in about an hour before I got home. She told me my uncle Chris had offered to pay for her room out in CA so she could go to the reunion, (or "Gathering of the Clan" as my mom's Aunt Peggy calls it). My mom had told him if he'd asked her two weeks ago she probably would have jumped on it but between starting with a new client and everything being up in the air with the firm she can't now. I did burn couple CD's of the photos I've scanned and restored, for her to give to Chris today so he can take them to CA. They're meeting him for lunch on the way back because he wants to see the kids. So since Sunday night I've been trying to get through as many of the little photos as I can. I ended up send a bunch that were scan only. Even though it takes only 15-20 minutes on the little ones there were close to 40 left that I hadn't gotten to. Now I'm back to working at my leisure which means after the album I have due the 19th.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
We had a good time at the Zoo yesterday. As soon as we mentioned we were going to go see the zebras Alex just about ran to the car. It was so funny he called all the animals by the names from Madagascar. So Zebras were Marty, giraffes Melman, Lions Alex. Well he didn't name the penguins, but Ken and I ended up quoting them from the movie. As soon as he spotted the monkey's he'd start jumping up and down "OOo OOo Ahah, OOo OOo AHah" He absolutely loved watching the polar bear swim. Needless to say once we got to the car to drive home around 3:30, Alex and Brandon were out in minutes, I drifted in and out. I think everyone ended up taking a nap once we got home.
I guess I base my parenting style on something my mom told me befoe I got married. We were walking along the inner harbor discussing family anyway she said the best piece of advice she was ever given was by the pediatrician we had when I was still a baby. He had told her that her job as a parent was to raise her children to be able to survive in their own in the world. I feel like a lot of kids now a days are given stuff way to easily. I know I appreciated stuff a lot more when I was a kid because I had to earn it. So I try to not just give things to Alex. Doesn't always work but I try.
I frickin hate pregnancy dreams. The one this morning was awful. I had gotten up at about 6:30 got Alex a cup of milk and asked him to play quietly in his room for a bit. He's actually been very good about doing this the last week or so since the kids are sleeping in the family room. When I left him he was making up a song about how good milk is. Made me chuckle. So you'd think going back to sleep in a good mood would keep bad dreams at bay.
It started out I was at my mom's and wanted to straighten up before we left to go home. Since I wanted to vacuum, I was trying to get everything off the floor. But it seemed like every time I cleaned up one area I'd turn around and more stuff would be on the floor where I'd already cleaned up. I was getting really frustrated. Finally things were good enough and I went to get the vacuum. While I was downstairs someone saw me with it and asked if I was doing the dining room. I just shrugged and said after I finish upstairs. I get up there and Alex has toys everywhere. I ask him to help me clean up so we can vacuum. He starts to help then balks and throws a tantrum, running downstairs. Once down there he proceeds to make a mess there as well. I ask him again to help, he throws another tantrum and races out of the house. I'm trying to catch him but I'm, so pregnant at this point I can't catch him. he heads for the street and I keep yelling for him to stop. He doesn't and races across the street. I can't see him because there is a truck parked in front of the house blocking my view. As I move to get a better look I see another truck backing up down the road at a pretty good speed. I'm trying to tell Alex to stop and stay where he is on the other side. But he doesn't hear me, or listen, not sure which, and darts into the street. The truck of course doesn't see him and he's hit. But I see him being carried off around the corner by the truck so I can't even help him. I'm just screaming nononono over and over. Until I make myself wake up. It's so horrible to wake up from dreams like that.
Anyway on to something funny. Last night Ken and I were downstairs watching Good Eats and eating ice cream. (I was tired of Disney channel and the kids really were ready to go to sleep.) Ken was going through e-mail then asked me how far out of the way Muncy PA was if we were going to my mom's. It's about 3-3 1/2 hours from us almost straight north, a little east. And I look at the map and figure we'd have to cut across PA on I-80 for about 3 1/2 hours before we got to I-79. Once we got to Grove City it's about an hour north to my mom's. So about 4 1/2 hours. He shakes his head and checks to see how far it is from Brooklyn. I guess he decided he might stop on the way back from dropping his parents off in NY next weekend. It's about 3 1/2 hours from there. The way he calculeted things he'd get all of 5 minutes at the place he wanted to visit before they closed. Then he tells me what he wants to see. It's the Grizzly manufacturing plant and warehouse. I guess this location is the largest showroom in the world.
Visit the largest machinery showroom in the world. Over 12,000 "Delicious" tools displayed at this 230,000 sq. ft. facility.
I cracked up and warned him this was going in my blog/journal
This baby is funny. Whenever I'm sitting or lying down he's low in my belly. He always starts kicking when I'm sitting down at the computer. As soon as I stand up it's like he floats up and stays right under my ribs until I sit back down. I guess it's his way of making sure I know he's there.
Final bit my cousin has a new baby girl. Only info I have at the moment is her name is Abigail. Mom said she'd call once she got to my Uncle's house and give me the rest of the info. I'm assuming they'll be coming home today or tomorrow. It's usually 4 days after a c-section.
I guess I base my parenting style on something my mom told me befoe I got married. We were walking along the inner harbor discussing family anyway she said the best piece of advice she was ever given was by the pediatrician we had when I was still a baby. He had told her that her job as a parent was to raise her children to be able to survive in their own in the world. I feel like a lot of kids now a days are given stuff way to easily. I know I appreciated stuff a lot more when I was a kid because I had to earn it. So I try to not just give things to Alex. Doesn't always work but I try.
I frickin hate pregnancy dreams. The one this morning was awful. I had gotten up at about 6:30 got Alex a cup of milk and asked him to play quietly in his room for a bit. He's actually been very good about doing this the last week or so since the kids are sleeping in the family room. When I left him he was making up a song about how good milk is. Made me chuckle. So you'd think going back to sleep in a good mood would keep bad dreams at bay.
It started out I was at my mom's and wanted to straighten up before we left to go home. Since I wanted to vacuum, I was trying to get everything off the floor. But it seemed like every time I cleaned up one area I'd turn around and more stuff would be on the floor where I'd already cleaned up. I was getting really frustrated. Finally things were good enough and I went to get the vacuum. While I was downstairs someone saw me with it and asked if I was doing the dining room. I just shrugged and said after I finish upstairs. I get up there and Alex has toys everywhere. I ask him to help me clean up so we can vacuum. He starts to help then balks and throws a tantrum, running downstairs. Once down there he proceeds to make a mess there as well. I ask him again to help, he throws another tantrum and races out of the house. I'm trying to catch him but I'm, so pregnant at this point I can't catch him. he heads for the street and I keep yelling for him to stop. He doesn't and races across the street. I can't see him because there is a truck parked in front of the house blocking my view. As I move to get a better look I see another truck backing up down the road at a pretty good speed. I'm trying to tell Alex to stop and stay where he is on the other side. But he doesn't hear me, or listen, not sure which, and darts into the street. The truck of course doesn't see him and he's hit. But I see him being carried off around the corner by the truck so I can't even help him. I'm just screaming nononono over and over. Until I make myself wake up. It's so horrible to wake up from dreams like that.
Anyway on to something funny. Last night Ken and I were downstairs watching Good Eats and eating ice cream. (I was tired of Disney channel and the kids really were ready to go to sleep.) Ken was going through e-mail then asked me how far out of the way Muncy PA was if we were going to my mom's. It's about 3-3 1/2 hours from us almost straight north, a little east. And I look at the map and figure we'd have to cut across PA on I-80 for about 3 1/2 hours before we got to I-79. Once we got to Grove City it's about an hour north to my mom's. So about 4 1/2 hours. He shakes his head and checks to see how far it is from Brooklyn. I guess he decided he might stop on the way back from dropping his parents off in NY next weekend. It's about 3 1/2 hours from there. The way he calculeted things he'd get all of 5 minutes at the place he wanted to visit before they closed. Then he tells me what he wants to see. It's the Grizzly manufacturing plant and warehouse. I guess this location is the largest showroom in the world.
Visit the largest machinery showroom in the world. Over 12,000 "Delicious" tools displayed at this 230,000 sq. ft. facility.
I cracked up and warned him this was going in my blog/journal
This baby is funny. Whenever I'm sitting or lying down he's low in my belly. He always starts kicking when I'm sitting down at the computer. As soon as I stand up it's like he floats up and stays right under my ribs until I sit back down. I guess it's his way of making sure I know he's there.
Final bit my cousin has a new baby girl. Only info I have at the moment is her name is Abigail. Mom said she'd call once she got to my Uncle's house and give me the rest of the info. I'm assuming they'll be coming home today or tomorrow. It's usually 4 days after a c-section.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Had an interesting phone call from my mom today. First little tid bit, my cousin's wife Denise is going in for a C-section tomorrow. My first thought was the baby was too big. She's really tiny, then I remembered at the baby shower she asked me when Alex turned. I had told her he was doing sommersaults until week 34 then pretty much settled into head down. So now I'm thinking the baby is breech. Either way there's a new family member here soon.
The second bit of news, is a bit more complicated. The firm my mom is with, has for the last year and a half been negotiating the sale of it to another firm. My mom was looking forward to this because it meant she wouldn't have to work with C any more (one of the senior partners). The other partners have been reviewing the contracts and the way things are written it looks like C ends up with almost everything and the rest of the partners get the shaft. Needless to say they've decided to not go through with the sale. To put another nail in this the other junior partner looked at his contract and it was only for a year, no raise. Which means once they have his clients they can basically fire him. My mom has been trying for the last month to get information on her offer. C of course gives her no info, but he's buddy buddy with the main partner of the new firm. Mom now thinks that C has been talking about her, so that now the new people feel she's not someone they want to keep around. She had thought this would be a good opportunity for her. They'd have no preconceptions and base their judgement on her work.
Both mom and the other junior partner are on C's shit list it's just the other guy had been able to weather things better. Not sure if he had more clients of his own, but he definately didn't loose half a year fighting cancer. What this all boils down to is the remaining partners are in the process of writing a letter as to why they no longer want to go through with the sale. They are going to confront C tomorrow. Basically he can move to the other firm with his clients but he's definately gone from this firm. Mom joked that now she and another partner can fight over the front office. She was just being sarcastic, she could care less about something like a front office. She doesn't need the status symbol, unlike C. She'll call back later in the week once she knows what's what, to let me know when she'll be down to visit. I know she still wants a trip to the beach before she takes Jessica and Brandon back up to Girard.
We did our 4th of July Sunday night. My biggest mistake was not to bring enough stuff to a) keep alex occupied b) snack on and c) a radio to listen to. We'll plan better next year. Alex was really onry the last hour between when we had dinner and when the fireworks started. It was of course past his bedtime. The thing that calmed him down was opening the cooler and letting him get ice cubes to suck on, soon after the fireworks started and he was all smiles, pointing and naming colors. We got home a little before 11, so a very late night for him and he didn't really sleep in or nap for that matter yesterday. Though today he did both. I guess today is catch up sleep day. Well I gotta go a thunderboomer is moving in.
The second bit of news, is a bit more complicated. The firm my mom is with, has for the last year and a half been negotiating the sale of it to another firm. My mom was looking forward to this because it meant she wouldn't have to work with C any more (one of the senior partners). The other partners have been reviewing the contracts and the way things are written it looks like C ends up with almost everything and the rest of the partners get the shaft. Needless to say they've decided to not go through with the sale. To put another nail in this the other junior partner looked at his contract and it was only for a year, no raise. Which means once they have his clients they can basically fire him. My mom has been trying for the last month to get information on her offer. C of course gives her no info, but he's buddy buddy with the main partner of the new firm. Mom now thinks that C has been talking about her, so that now the new people feel she's not someone they want to keep around. She had thought this would be a good opportunity for her. They'd have no preconceptions and base their judgement on her work.
Both mom and the other junior partner are on C's shit list it's just the other guy had been able to weather things better. Not sure if he had more clients of his own, but he definately didn't loose half a year fighting cancer. What this all boils down to is the remaining partners are in the process of writing a letter as to why they no longer want to go through with the sale. They are going to confront C tomorrow. Basically he can move to the other firm with his clients but he's definately gone from this firm. Mom joked that now she and another partner can fight over the front office. She was just being sarcastic, she could care less about something like a front office. She doesn't need the status symbol, unlike C. She'll call back later in the week once she knows what's what, to let me know when she'll be down to visit. I know she still wants a trip to the beach before she takes Jessica and Brandon back up to Girard.
We did our 4th of July Sunday night. My biggest mistake was not to bring enough stuff to a) keep alex occupied b) snack on and c) a radio to listen to. We'll plan better next year. Alex was really onry the last hour between when we had dinner and when the fireworks started. It was of course past his bedtime. The thing that calmed him down was opening the cooler and letting him get ice cubes to suck on, soon after the fireworks started and he was all smiles, pointing and naming colors. We got home a little before 11, so a very late night for him and he didn't really sleep in or nap for that matter yesterday. Though today he did both. I guess today is catch up sleep day. Well I gotta go a thunderboomer is moving in.
Saturday, July 01, 2006

This page was the result of a recent challenge. We were to scraplift a layout of another DSP member. It was really hard choosing a layout. Debb had so many wonderful ones. But I wanted to use one of the pictures I recently restored this was the result. The kit was from DSP designer Samara Gugler, the word art from Tina Chambers.

My son cracks me up somedays. He serenaded the entire house this around 7:10 this morning with a rousing version of [I]Rain Rain Go Away[/I] Ken and I were just laying in bed laughing for a good ten minutes. Jessica heard him and she's at the other end of the hall from him with her door shut. Brandon of course heard him over the monitor becuase the reciever is in the kitchen and he was sleeping on the sofa in the family room. I guess he was happy to be home.
He didn't do too bad on our trip to mom's. Though both times he only slept an hour of the trip. Usually he'll sleep a good two hours in the car. This trip was harder in another way. Since he's no longer in a crib we couldn't have him sleep in the PNP. He slept on an air mattress on the floor. Problem with that is he kept getting up to turn on the tv. It wasn't too bad at night but it meant he didn't take much of a nap either day. Wednesday we just hung out. Alex played with his cousins a bit in the morning then we went over to my sister's after his "nap".
Thursday morning mom and I (and Alex) went shopping. First stop was BRU. I wanted to find a homecoming outfit for the baby. I found one online I really like but it's really expensive, I also found a possibility at baby center that I'll probably get because I found nothing at BRU. Well I did find some cute stuff just not what I had in mind for bringing the baby home in.
Next was Old Navy to get a few more maternity tees. That was a bust too they had nothing in stock bigger than a medium. Bad timing on my part my guess is in a couple weeks the fall stuff will be coming in. Final stop was DSW, where I picked up a pair of Tevas and a pair of sandals both are adjustable for when my feet swell. I know everyone says wear flip flops but when my feet swell they don't get wider, they get puffier so that they don't fit under the strap in the first place. SO I need adjustable not less shoe. I didn't end up meeting up with Sherri again this time. She was on a business trip and got back late Thursday afternoon and we left Friday around 11 to get back here.
Besides the mornign singin we went to play miniature golf this afternoon. Alex was so funny. Ken wished he had though to bring the video camera. At first everytims someone would hit a ball he'd go and get it and bring it back for them. Later he got the idea that the balls were to go in the hole, so he's pick them up and drop them in. The last half of the game he started using the putter to hit his ball in the hole, though he did continue to kick everone else's balls around. He dropped his ball down the last hole, thinking it was like one of the others where it went down a shoot to another part of the green, but of course the last hole just takes the ball. There was a drain pipe a few feet away so he went over there and kept looking at it waiting for his ball to reappear. He didn't want to leave but it was time to go home and make dinner. May have to take him again.
Tomorrow I work then we'll go up to Harve de Grace for their 4th of july celebration. We might go to the ones in Bel Air on the 4th itself as well but the fireworks in Harve de Grace are over the bay.
I also decided on a bedding set. Ken's booked one of two last minute brides, is he books the other as well I can just go to buy buy baby and get it. The picture of it is at the top of this post.
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