Thursday, September 20, 2007

New pages

Quin & Cassy (and Karen)
Quin made a new friend at my sister’s. He has always liked animals.He’ll be my boy that brings home all the strays. Cassy’s initial greeting
was one of enthusiasm. That kind of changed once Quin decided he didn’t mind her kisses and wanted to pet her. Then she started barking and
backing away. The more he laughed and tried to reach her, the more she backed away. This is in contrast to Alex, who hates being licked by dogs.
He’s the one backing away, which of corse makes the dogs want to lick him all the more.

CranberryDelight Kit-Kim Liddiard

Bright Boy
He's my Bright Boy. Even his middle
name given to him by his grandfather
means bright. It suits him well. You
can see it in his eyes, his smile and
his personality. Even in his habit of
being up bright and early every

Bright and Early Kit-Linda Rechtin
Tri Me QC-Tina Chambers
Glitter Alpha-Elizabeth Weaver

I found this picture of my mom and her date last spring. She went to a catholic girls school and they held many formals in combination with two other schools in the area. I just thought she looked so pretty in her dress.

Harvest Dance Kit- Linda Rechin
Notable Women WA-Tina Chambers
Sketch-Meryl Bartho

Quin is determined to walk.
He tries several times a day,
always with help. He's not
very steady on his feet yet.
He may just do it by his
first birthday, just like his
older brother.

Trunk Show Kit-Rene Bross
Perseverance WA-FAPresidents set-Tina Chambers
3Blackslides QC-Lauren Bavin


A little fun for this morning, I got this a couple days ago from my friend Betsy.'s harder than it looks! Copy and paste into a new email. When you are done, send it on, including to the person who sent it to you. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following... they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name? Cheryl

4 letter word: Camp

City: Charleston

Boy Name: Cameron

Girl Name: Cynthia

Alcoholic drink: Congnac

Occupation: Contractor

Something you wear: Chinos

Celebrity: Charlie Sheen

Food: Chicken Parmesan

Something found in a bathroom: Cat box

Reason for Being Late: car broke down

Cartoon Character: Cartman

Something You Shout: Come On!!!

Lots of new babies this past week. My cousin and his wife had another little girl. Then my friend Jean had a baby boy. Ken's niece also had her little boy, though he's six weeks early, so is in intensive care until his lungs mature. He's doing well. I'm amazed at Karen's strength. She had an emergency C-section but because they didn't have the facilities at the hospital she delivered at for premies, the baby was transfered to another hospital. Karen checked herself out after 24 hour because she wasn't going to be stuck in one hospital while her baby was in another. I don't blame her but wow, I hope if it came down to it I would have the same strength. The final baby was my friend Kelly's little boy. All this is really kicking my baby fever in to gear. Of course one of the ladies over at OUL has been doing an Oracle for any one who has questions. I was told I'll have a girl in July 2008. Which would mean I'll get pregnant in the next cycle or two. It would also mean I have to change my plans for a big 40th birthday bash for Ken and I in July next year. We talked about it, if I am due around that time we'll plan the party for Labor day weekend, probably Sunday.

Off to Cumberland tomorrow for a day out with Thomas. Alex is so excited to do this again. Ken took him last fall to the one in Stausburg PA. Quin is determind to be walking by his birthday. He just does not want to sit, he wants to walk but only by holding on to mommy's or daddy's fingers. Anytime you make him sit he starts crying. I told him he needed to start cruising the furniture. He didn't like that suggestion. spent this week cleaning the upstairs, just have the tubs and tpilets to do and I'm finished. Next week I'll be working on the downstairs, so the house will be clean by the party Saturday. Just praying the weather holds because we're planning a BBQ.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Insanity of Three year olds

I'm trying to figure out if it's just Alex's personality or the insanity being three brings. Now to set this up at least once a week I through a few pillsbury biscuits in the oven. I split once between the boys and have the other two myself with some coffee. Alex insists on having some "coppy" too. So I put about an ounce in and add milk. He usually dips pieces of biscuit into the coffee. Occasionally one falls in and he fishes it out with a spoon. Today that happened and he just looses it. I of course look at him like he's crazy and say "use your spoon to get it out." "NOOooooOOOOoooo, not spoon" "well you either have to use your fingers or your spoon, it's up to you." So he uses the spoon to fish the piece out with his spoon. Then the next panic happens. "It's Brownnnnnnnnnn" He's been dipping the biscuits in the coffee for six months and is just now noticing they turn brown when he does this? INSANE

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What they come up with

It's funny sometimes what kids come up with. We noticed with the last few trip Ken has had for work, if he pulls out the big US wall map and shows Alex where we live and where he's going that Alex does better. This week he's on a much longer trip to Montana. He usually takes my car because with the dent in the door it doesn't matter if it gets a few more bumps and scratches in the airport parking lot. That means I have the minivan (this will change if we have a third, I'll have to break down and drive the minivan fulltime :sigh: )I picked up Alex at school today and he asked if we were going in the green car. I said no the brown car. "Oh yeah daddy drove the green car to see Hannah Montana." Bwaahhaaaahahaha!! Actually he mentioned it last night too that daddy was with Hannah Montana. I told Ken this he had a chuckle too.

So the other night at work one of the college kids (coworker) asked if I could sit down and talk with anyone living or dead who would it be. This is his first assignment for an english class. The first name that popped into my head was Jane Austen. First off reading her novels got me hooked on regency romances. But I'd want to meet her because she was very much an observer of how people interact socially. She wasn't afraid to show how ridiculous some of the rules were. I also feel she made her heroines strong, they didn't always play by society's rules espeically when they were wrong and hurtful. She wasn't afraid to show that women could be intelligent, sometimes smarted and with more common sense than the men they had to put up with, having no property rights of their own. It was an interesting topic to think on.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Two Things

Two names you go by:
1. Mommy
2. Honey

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Brown bermuda shorts

2. Blue T-shirt

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. play with my kids

2. digital scrapbooking

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Another cup of coffee

2. Enough time in the day to do all I want and get some sleep

Two favorite pets you have had/have:
1. Sunshine

2. Bailey
Two people who will fill this out
1. Karen

2. Betsy

Two things you did last night:
1. Went to Work

2. created a new page
Two things you ate today:
1. biscuits

2. yogurt

Two people you last talked to:
1. Quin

2. Ken

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Taking Alex to school

2. completing an album order

Two longest car rides:
1. OH to CA

2. MD to GA

Two favorite holidays:

1. Chinese New Year

2. Christmas

Two favorite beverages
1. Coffee

2. Kaluha on the rocks

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Well this has been a mostly quiet week. We got the the dentist and the xrays showed no damage to Alex's perminent teeth. He did say that I need to watch for discoloration in the teeth, he doubted that would happen but on the off chance it did they'd need to do a root canal so that the perminent teeth wouldn't be damaged. the swelling and sensitvity in the gums will be gone in a couple weeks.

Quin is determined to walk and he wants to do it on his own even though he doesn't even hve the balance to stand on his own for more than 30 seconds. Can't start the easy way crawling then pullin gup then cruising, no has to go from sitting up to walking. He will pull himself up if he can use a person.

Just sent Ken to the emergency room. While we were gone he continued working on clearing out the brush on the upper part of the hill in our back yard. He wants to lay stone "steps" to make it easier to go up. Well he came in contact with poison something, probably poison ivy but possible poison oak. He was treating the blisters but they seem to be spreading and they are popping on thier own and oozing pus. Checking on webMD it said that once they get to that point medical treatment is needed. The whole back of his right knee is covered, a patch on his left thigh and his right arm are just as bad.

On the kitchen fron we finally heard from BGE. We need to contact a contractor to install the gas lines in the house itself then notify BGE and they get us connected once it's ready. I think Ken was going to call the people who put in our new HVAC system. Not sure when he'll do that though, he'll be out of town all week. It's funny I have gone a whole week without him but usually it's because I'm visiting someone else. His travel the last year has been tues-thurs, this week it's mon-fri.

So this whole poison ivy thing has probably shot this months chance of baby making. I think I'm ovulating today. Which makes me want to just not try for a couple cycles because I'd rather not be hugely pregnant during the summer again. That and being due in July/Aug would spoil my birthday bash plans.

Quin is a boy after my own heart. I made ravioli with pesto for dinner last night because Ken had a wedding and it was quick and simple. Gave some to Quin and he just gobbled it all down. If only Alex would eat so well. Heh the only way to get egg in him is to make french toast, or I should say italian toast because I throw oregano, basil and parmesan cheese in to the egg before soaking the bread in it.

Starting to get together stuff for Quin's birthday party. Can't believe he'll be a year soon. I'm actually going to end up having two parties one for family before his birthday and one for playgroup after. I have no idea what to tell people to get him. except maybe clothes and books. We don't need any more toys in this house. All Alex's 12-18 month stuff especially pj's (they are fleece) are for winter. So I need stuff for fall weather, well except for jackets and coats. Long and short sleeve t-shirts, maybe a sweater or sweatshirt, cotton sleepers and socks. We need socks he's been bare foot all summer and I had to toss the ones Alex had. Suppose I need to look for shoes for him too.

I do like this for winter

it's not as heavy as a regular snowsuit, so it'll work well for going to and from the car in the winter. It'll fit nicely with the carseat.

I think that's it for now.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Vote for my picture

I keep forgetting to post this here. I have a photo at that's in the rate my photo contest. So if you get a chance go check it out.

Rate my photo, Click here

Monday, September 03, 2007

playing in simpsons land

playing with the avatar creator at the simpson's movie site. Cracking myself up.

Why is it children injure themselves on travel and/or holidays? Saturday evening Alex was playing with his cousins, slipped on one of his cars and fell. He landed on his face knocking his two front teeth back. Luckily they don't appear to be loose, there is a lot of swelling in the gums in that area. I left a message with our dentist's office to get an appointment asap. I just want to make sure there will be no trouble when the perminent teeth come in. I figure they'll call first thing tomorrow. Let's hope they can get us in that afternoon. If not I guess we'll miss the trip to the zoo on Wednesday.