Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Lord, the boy can get himself hysterical. I heard him all the way out on the deck. Wednesday I planned on putting him to bed early because it was a no nap day. So around 5:45 I started the bedtime warnings. Well by 6:15 he was crashed out on the couch. I took his stuff up then I carried him up. He was in that semi-sleep state when I laid him down. I asked him if he wanted to get in his PJs and he shook his head and curled up under his blanket, thumb in mouth. I thought yay me. Husband out of town both kids asleep, nice cool evening after the hot day. I grab a book and a glass of wine and go hang out on the deck.
A half hour later I hear crying. At first I thought it was the baby then I come in the house and the monitor it's coming from is Alex's. I bring everything in and go upstairs. He's standing in the middle of his bed tears streaming down his face screaming at the top of his lungs. He's usually incoherent or at the very least nonsensical, when he's like this. First thing I do is get him in a hug and calm him down. Ask if he wants to get in his PJs now and brush his teeth. He nods between the slowly dying sobs. We take care of all that and he lays back down, I go to ask if he wants a story and he's out again already.
Now this was the second day he'd done this. He got hysterical the day before when I wouldn't let him get up from his nap after he'd been up there 45 minutes playing. His delay tactics were so silly, he asked for stuff he knew I'd say no to but it was like he had to try because you never know.

Has anyone out there seen Max & Ruby on Nick Jr? Well Max gets this sly mischeiveous look on his face when ever Ruby tells him he can't do something or he has to play somewhere else. You know he's going to do the opposite. How is it possible that someone who can just barely roll over, topples over after sitting for a minute and can't crawl can have this look already?

He's found his feet, he takes the spoon from me when I feed him and he growls when he's chewing on a toy. The last one tells me he was definately born in the year of the Dog. He had the neighbor kid who mows our lawn cracking up because he rolls his wrists and growls and it looks like he's pretending he's on a motorcycle.

Last week we watched Butterfly Effect. It's not what I thought it was. At least not what I remember the trailers being about when it was in the theaters a couple/few years back. It was actually a pretty good movie. Very psychologically mind bending. Ken and I were talking about it for a good hour afterwards.

Now much going on right now. I should actually be working on my photoshop assignment, we have another lesson released tomorrow. The guy came and fixed our AC. Good thing it hadn't been unbearably hot the few days it was out. It was fixed just in time, the next day it was in the 90's.

I now know who keeps the band aid companies in profits. Three year olds, Alex wants band aids for the smallest scratch or bruise lately. And he'd go through an entire box of band aids in three days if I let him. I literally have to limit him to two band aids a day.

Why is it the nights I actually go to bed early both my kids contrive to make sure I still don't get any sleep? Last night first it was Quin, though at least once he let out a huge burp all was well and he went back to sleep. Alex then woke up at 4:30 in the morning, Ken got up to check on him since I took care of Quin earlier. Well Alex had another bloody nose and was of course hysterical. It took the two of us to get him calm enough for Ken to put into practice what his parents used to do for him when he got them. Basically tilt the head back, cold compresses on the forhead, and direct pressure if needed. Last time Alex had a nose bleed he was already awake and didn't even really know what was happening because I came in just as it started. He didn't have a chance to loose it.

Quin is going to be my eater. He loves tasing anything from my plate he can get. Well anything I can break up into small enough chunks for him to work on. So roast turkey, catfish, potatoes, biscuits, pork chop. And he seemsto like any type of sauce we have on our food. He loved chewing on my fingers the day Ken made BBQ ribs. Speaking of which I thought it was the top two teeth he was cutting this time. Nope, he's getting in two more bottom teeth.

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