I am around honest. Just spending alot of time uploading images. So I end up lurking more than posting. It's weird going back and looking at pictures of Alex as a little baby.
We took down the crib yesterday. Last night was Alex's first night in the big boy bed. Took me nearly an hour to get him settled. Lots of extra stories. He didn't try getting out of bed but he was fighting sleep every step of the way. Finally I said good night and went downstairs. he cried for a minute or two then I hear the Oceans of Wonder music start. I think he was asleep by ten after 9:00. Nap time today went slightly better. I took im upstairs and told him is was quiet time. He coupld play quietly in his room or take a nap, his choice but he had to stay there until I came and got him. I hung out with him for 15 minutes, then left closing the door. I heard him playing for another 20 minutes. Things got quieter and quieter. I think around 2:00 he must have fallen asleep because I haven't heard a peep in the last half hour.
Today was my midwife appt. I've gained 9lb total so far, which is about half of what I'd gained at this point last time. I hope I can keep to my goal of 25 lbs or less. Alex was actually very good in the waiting room today. Which surprised me because we were there for a long time. I got there 10-15 minutes early and they didn't call me in until a half hour after my scheduled appt. I think it must be this particular midwife because the only time we've been kept waiting for a long time has been when I ended up seeing her. The other two times I was called in 10 minutes after I got there (so right on time).They gave me the script for my big U/S. I called and scheduled that when I got home. So if this child co-operates we should know what were having the morning of the 26th.
I have an album to put together, probably do that tomorrow night since we're hosting playgroup tomorrow. I have to prep food and activity tonight. The weather better stay nice. I plan on giving finger paints a try outside on the patio. If it gets really bad we can hose the kids down.:roflol:
Friday I have to take my car for the estimate to get the dent my sister put in the door fixed. Saturday is Moe's baby shower. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. I promise to take lots of pictures. Well as many as I can and keep and eye on Alex. Though with the way he flirts that may not be an issue. Then Sunday and Monday work. I've figured out the only days of the week that my feet/ankles swell are those days. I think it's a combo of being on my feet as well as not being able to hydrate myself as well as I can at home.
So that's my boring life. I really should start scanning all the pictures I brought back from my mom's. Most are from her childhood. We've also decided to put off getting a larger car/minivan for me for another year.:banana: Ken just doesn't feel comfortable with the finances to swing it. And I can cart around two kids in my cavilier no problem. Though if we do decided to try for an 8-baby I will have to make the sacrifice and get a minivan.
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