Saturday, October 20, 2007

photos and photos

I'm starting off today with a couple of my favorite recent pictures of the boys
this first one just shows the difference in they're personalities so well

the second one I like because of Quin's smile

Quin has the most soulful puppy dog eyes, I know it's kind of sad I'm comparing my son to a dog but that's what they remind me of sometimes.

So I had my day off from the kids yesterday, Ken told me the night before he was dreading this day alone with the boys. But damn, it I've earned this at least twice a month since March he's been gone for a good portion of the week. That means no break for me, I'm on 24-7. When he's home at least, I can leave the house for a few hours childless. So we figured out something he could do with the kids on a rainy day. They went to the B&O museum.
When I got home last night the boys had just been settled into bed, so I snuck in and gave kisses. Ken said Alex had the time of his life. You could see the happy energy radiating from him. We're planning another trip there because ken didn't realize there were more exhibits in the other buildings not just in the main one. He said Alex had to name all the trains after Thomas and Friends characters. :roflol:
And Quin pulled one of my childhood tricks last night while Ken was making dinner. He got a hold of the box of wipes we keep next to my desk for diaper changes. Not only did he get it open he started pulling out the wipes. Ken said he had emptied a practically new package half way. The wipes were everywhere filled the whole center section of the family room. Quin was sitting in the biggest pile of them, so of course his pants were wet. I could have been worse he could have done what I actually did as a toddler. I got a hold of a box of tissues and started shredding them, the mess was all over the living room.
Yesterday was lovely and a little weird. I left around 7:30 am got to NY about three hours later. Though it took me another half hour to get to the Javitz center and then find parking. The Photo Expo is always overwhelming and I haven't been to one in about 4 years. My priority this year was to get info from the different album companies primarily for print and bind services on the coffee table style albums. I stayed away from the camera/lens vendors because that'll just make me want something we can't afford right now. Though nikon has a new super wide lens 18mm/3.5-55mm5.6 for about $120. it gets decent reviews especially as been light and versitile enough for when you need to be on the move.

I started winding down around 1 and went to get my car. It started pouring rain as I came out of the lincoln tunnel. So i got to Dianne's around 1:30. Ari is adorable, I just love his smile. He was showing off climbing on one of his toys so he could reach the lights. I even got a kiss as he left with his grandmother for the afternoon. Nilsa fell asleep soon after I started holding her. She's a noisy sleeper reminded me a bit of Alex. Always moving in her sleep too. Of course the fact that I was stroking her little foot periodically didn't help I'm sure. I really need to read the manual for my flash, I want to be able to control the light out put more. Even boucing the light was blowing out some of the pictures I took. I didn't do too badly on the hand held available light shots, though the ones that went down to a really slow shutter speed have camera movement in them.

I left around 4:30 and stopped to get something to eat outside of Trenton. I think that's what helped me miss the worst of the traffic. Though there was a back up around the Christiana Mall exit in DE.
I think I'm coming down with something. Around noon I was feeling a bit feverish and now it hurts to swallow, things must be a bit swollen because my ear hurts too. Wonderful, trying to decide which will help more the echinacea or the chamomile tea will help more.

oh Alex has found a way to help me fold clothes. He climbs into the dryer and fetches the clothes at the back them hands them to me to fold.:roflol:

1 comment:

Tammy said...

you have such adorable boys!