Wednesday, August 01, 2007

guess it won't be every day

I tried but I guess I won't get to these every day. I'm thinking once a week may be a good start.

Today's prompt and move backwards
Tell how the internet has made an impact on your life.

Well the biggest impact was the people I've met. I have some good friends whom I never would have know if it wasn't for the internet my husband included. I met him on ICQ about 7 1/2 years ago. And because we lived close enough and both had a strong interest in photography we decided to meet up, three years later we were married. I've met people through so many different groups. Right after college I was part of the Mercedes Lackey fan club, and wrote fan fiction and went to dragon con down in Atlanta a couple times. The writing of fan fiction led me back to RPGs. Starting with MUDs like Dragonquest, then I moved into e-mail versions of AD&D and Shadowrun, these were more like round robin stories, with the DM creating the plot and each character writing their lines/actions. Once I started planning my wedding I started to visit different forums gear towards that eventually to the baby side of a couple of those boards. I still visit two on a regular basis, Our Little Universe and Lets Just Talk. Keeping journals on these forums also contributes in part to my digital scrapbooking. But the people I've met because of these places are the most important.

Now the internet has made other things much easier for me. I keep track of my finances better because I can download everything into Quicken. I can shop whenever I want and I can also research my purchases and then decide if I'll buy online or in an actual store. Because to be honest I dislike actually going shopping at the best of times. With two small children it makes is even more of a hassle. Even when I was younger most times I knew what I wanted and went to those particular places, then left. No wandering the mall for hours for me.

I think the internet allows me to keep in touch with my extended family better. I can write out what's going on post pictures in my galleries, show my new pages. Even though I talk to her every week I think my mom likes being able to visit my blog, she gets to read about things I forget to mention or that are kind of trivial but nice to know day to day things.

Tuesday's prompt

Take a photo you've been meaning to scrap and write your journaling for it here

I still haven't gotten to this one. I guess I've been waiting for the right kit to go along with it. I think this is a big example of what being three is all about. They're the ones keeping the band aid companies in the profits. At one point Alex was wear five band aids. Granted he did actually have booboos, though most of them did not warrant wearing a bandage. After a while I think they became a fashion statement for him. His favorites were the backyardigans and spiderman. It got to the point where, if he bumped against something he'd be calling out "mommy, MOMMMMYYY need BAnd AID, got ouchies, especially for hangnails and such. We got lucky while visiting my dad in July, they didn't really have any band aids so he had to make due with the ones he had left and by the end of the week those were gone too. Last weekend was the first time since then, that he asked for one.

This was from Monday so I'll answer as if it was still Monday

How many different 'hats' will you wear today? Will you be mom, grandma, employee, employer..etc. How do you balance all of it?

The biggest hat I wore was being mommy, but within that you could say I was storyteller, playmate, photographer, cook, housekeeper and chauffer. I was an album designer since we got in a couple orders. And finance manager because I went over all our accounts for the month. If it was friday or sunday you could add bookseller to that list as well.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

Glad you can join us! Some people don't get here every day so don't feel bad. I love all the new friends I've made because of the internet too. I also love your photo. Maybe you could look at the Beyond Repair kit by Lauren Bavin to see if that is what you are looking for.