Thursday, August 16, 2007


Let's start with today's prompt and work backwards once again.

Blog Prompt: Aug 16 is the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. Do you know who Elvis is? If so, what was your favorite movie? Are you a big fan of his? Why or why not?

Yes I know who he is, I actualy remember the day he died. We (my sister and I)were at the baby sitter's house. And I remember Shirly being so sad that day. I'm not sure which of her daughters told us Kim or Val, both were in high school so to a nine year old they were cool. I know the radio was on all day on which ever channel was playing Elvis music. Of his movies I'v only seen a few and it'll be a hard choice between Blue Hawaii and Viva Las Vegas. I wouldn't say I'm a big fan but I enjoy a lot of his music. I guess how I feel about him can me expressed by quote a remember a friend making when I was in college. "If I ever have a boy I'm gonna name him Elvis." "After Presley?" "No, Costello"

Blog Prompt: Aug 15 is National Relaxation Day. Tell what things you see, hear or do that relaxes you.

I like relaxing in a shady spot on a cool afternoon. A good book is always a plus. I cup of hot tea is a nice way to wind down before bed. And when my kids drive me up a wall a nice glass of merlot or pinot noir is good after they are in bed.

Blog Prompt: Describe a 'sound' from your childhood. What was it? When did you hear it? What does it bring to mind?

The sound of gravel under tires. The road in front of our house was made of tar and gravel. If you could hear the gravel crunching under the tired it mean the road had been recently covered. I can't remember if they did it once or twice a year. I know during the hottest part of summer the road was almost smooth and you could actually walk barefoot on it and not get your feet cut, burned but not cut. I remember hating it after they lay down new gravel because it made riding a bike a bit harder and if you wiped out pretty painful.

Blog Prompt: August 13 is Alfred Hitchcock’s birthday. In honor of his birthday, name the movie(s) that scare you the most.

When I was a kid the Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween movies. Actually when I was really young that movie that Kiss made in about a haunted amusement park really freaked me out, had nightmares for a week. I'm not real fond of horror films unless they're kind of making fun of the genre. I have to say I found the movie Seven quite disturbing and the Hannibal Lechter movies did have me on the edge of my seat.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

I forgot about Elvis Costello! I don't think I would want to name my child Elvis though. The shady spot sounds nice because I'm not a big "sun worshipper". I love the way you described the gravel. In fact, I can hear the crunch! I forgot about Nightmare on Elm Street! And Silence of the Lambs gave me the heebie jeebies but the book was scarier than the movie! I kept having to whisper explanations to my hubby about why certain things happened in the movie. Instead of being told to be quiet, a couple of people around me told me to talk louder so they could understand the movie! LOL