Friday, July 20, 2007

Over a month

Good lord it's been a month since I posted in here. Part of it is me and part of it is my children. I think once Alex goes back to school in September I'll be able to stop in more often, like during Quin's naps. And by me I mean that I seem to have a wave of creativity that runs about 3 years. When I'm at either end, feeling no creativity or super creative I don't post. It's when I'm in the middle I seem to post. Right now I'm on the high end, I've done more work in the last 6 months than I have done in the previous two years. Just to warn you if I start posting on a regular basis it means I'm on the down swing.

The last week of June I spent getting all my stuff together for the display on the art wall at B&N. I put it up on July 1st then left the next day to go to TN to see my Dad for a week. We get back I have my niece and nephew with us. My mom comes in the next day, they were here until last Thursday. So it basically felt like I haven't been home for two weeks. I spent the weekend getting the house ready because Tuesday I hosted a baby shower for one of my friends from the playgroup.

Lets see what's up with the kids. Quin sits up on his own, has been very cranky because he cut two more teeth. Rolls over, likes to stand but has shown no interest in crawling or pulling himself up. He's eating table food on a regular basis, it must be cut in small pieces but he gums it pretty well.

Alex has given up naps, I was hoping he'd at least keep taking a short one until he was four. I know the three hour ones wouldn't last much longer, but to go from that to none has been killer. I tray making him take some quiet time in the afternoon where he just has to stay in his room and either play quietly or read his books but he won't stay put and I can hear him wandering around getting into stuff in my room. The thing that really gets me, is he now realizes he can leave his room when he wakes in the morning (at 6am). He doesn't come to our room first no, he hears Quin moving around and thinks he's awake so goes in there and actually wakes him up, then he comes to my room saying "Quinton's crying mommy?" Luckily I can usually nurse Quin and put him back to bed for another hour or two. I've tried moving his bedtime up but he still seems to fall asleep around 7:30-8:00 so I gave up trying unless he is unbearably cranky in the late afternoon.

He has me at my wits end with potty training. He refuses to use the potty. He knows how to pull his pants up and down by himself, and he's used it at school but here with me he won't, even when his friends are over and they use it. He is definately physically ready, but I can't figure out what he's afraid of. Sometimes it seems like he doesn't think he can, so he won't even try. I don't know what to do anymore. Today we went through 4 pairs of underwear. And almost every time he went it was right after I suggested he just sit on the potty. Didn't tell him he had to go in it, just sit on it. We're coming up on a year now.

Well because of his resistance and some additional reading I've done, I've started the initial stages of potty training with Quin. I set him on the potty for maybe five minutes a couple times a day usually shortly after he eats. I don't expect him to actually go just kind of get him used to the process. Alex doesn't like Quin on the potty because it's his potty, but he won't use it himself. Ken was thinking about talking with a professional so we could figure out a way around this resistance. I keep thinking I waited too long with Alex going by what was recommended, and waiting for him to show signs of interest, which he's never shown. We seem to have back slid to the point where he doesn't even tell me after the fact that he's gone, he used to at least tell me a couple months ago. bleh

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