I'm in the process of moving my images over to smugmug. So anything new I post will be up there but it may take a few days to get this done.
Some one said or maybe I read it somewhere, that the terrible twos aren't so much that as the autonomous twos. They start testing their limit and seeing how independant their allowed to be in the process trying the patience of parents. SO Alex and I had a battle of wills thursday morning. He took a cracker, crumbled it up and then dropped it on the floor. We had ants last year chances are we'll have them again this year but I'm not going to make it easy for them to find food. That means if Alex does something like that he's gonna help clean it up. We have a little wisk broom with our dustpan, so all he had to do was help sweep it up. This is something he usually likes to play with. Well because I was making him do it, he wanted nothing to do with it. I started taking things away. First the show he was watching, then I wouldn't let him go out side, I think the final blow was when I took away his blanket, monkey and juice. I kept explaining to him all he had to do was help me sweep up and he'd get everything back. Everytime I tried to guide him over , he'd drop to the ground, do the limp spaghetti thing, and cry. Finally I wrapped his hand around the broom, and showed him how to sweep up. Then he got everything back and we left for playgroup.
He spent the next hour and a half running around the playground. We all left for lunch, though we split into two group to go two different places didn't want to overrun any one place. I was supposed to go to Friendly's. And I know I know where this is. But pregnancy brain struck. I drove right past it because they changed the color of the sign. I spent the next twenty minutes thinking I had the location wrong so tried a couple other streets. Then decided to try one last time where I thought it was supposed to be. Low and behold it was right where it's supposed to be. They repainted and got a new sign. I really wasn't too late, seems the other mom's had issues of their own, a runaway child and a fall. I actually had to wake Alex. The funny thing was he had his blanket covering his head. Usually he does this as a game and as soon as I notice he takes it off. Guess I was too absorbed in being lost.
Either Alex is hitting a growth spurt so he's actually eating or he's okay with small groups and will eat. I notice when there are lots of people around or it's just adults he picks at his food. He ate about half of his mac and cheese (which he won't touch at home) all of his apple sauce and stole fries from both Riley and me. He also ate about half his hot fudge sunday. He did pick at dinner but he'd had waffles for breakfast so two pretty solid meals I wasn't expecting him to eat much dinner.
Actually yesterday he ate pretty well too. We'd gone to BJ's he spotted the stawberries so I had to get those for him. He spotted the cheese curls too. I think by the end of the weekend between Ken and Alex they'll be gone. Anyway he ate dinner even stole pieces of my salad. Three slices of yellow bell pepper and a few pieces of brocoli. I hope this continues, it's been very frustrating getting him to eat anything other than bread, rice and fruit along with the occasional vegitable.
Last night was very cute though.
After dinner he spotted the rose Ken had brought home for our anniversary Thursday. Ken had just gone out to turn on the sprinkler to water the section of lawn we reseeded. Alex wanted the rose. So I pulled it out of the vase thinking he just wanted to see it. He ran with it to the front door. I let him outside. He held it out to the water coming down from the sprinkler. "Flower grow big, water, flower grow big" Then I had to explain to him and show him that the vase had water for the flower so it could grow big. It was so sweet.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
How is it that my son annoys and frustrates me but at the same time makes me laugh. He's too damn cute for his own good. I've mostly gotten used to adding the extra 10 minutes it takes to actually get him into his carseat when we go anywhere. I've added the time in whenever I actually have an appointment that I have to be at. When I'm just running errands I don't usually worry about it because I don't have to be anywhere at any time. Yesterday I was at Hallmark getting a stack of mothers day cards for various family members as well as gift bags for the two baby showers I'm going to.
So we're done with that and head out to the car. Alex decides he wants to wander the parking lot. (it's not very big) But he won't hold my hand, every time I got a hold of it he'd flop down on the ground. I don't mind him walking around to look at stuff but [B]he's going to hold my hand if there are cars around.[/B] He has no choice in that matter. My Left hand is full not only with the stuff I purchased but also all the stuff he insists we bring with us where ever we go. I'm very frustrated at this point and just hook my right arm around his chest and carry him over to the car.
As soon as I set him down he runs to the hedge that separates the lot from the road. Since he's between my car and another and I have the rear passenger door open he's not going anywhere unless he goes past me. By the time I dump everything in the car, he runs up and climbs in. I'm thinking we might actually get going to our next stop in a couple minutes. Wrong. He goes right past his carseat and climbs in to the driver seat, then sees stuff sitting on the front passenger seat, so he must investigate. (He saw me buy the stuff but still has to look. :rolleyes: ) At this point I just lay my head on my arm against the car roof. Then he starts playing peek-a-boo with me using the headrest. I shake my head nad laugh. It took a few more minutes to get him in his seat and buckled up. Leaving Target was nearly as bad. It's so hard when you just want to get going but have a toddler all of whom are natural lollygaggers. I think this has been a harder test of my patience than getting Ken to make a decision.
So we're done with that and head out to the car. Alex decides he wants to wander the parking lot. (it's not very big) But he won't hold my hand, every time I got a hold of it he'd flop down on the ground. I don't mind him walking around to look at stuff but [B]he's going to hold my hand if there are cars around.[/B] He has no choice in that matter. My Left hand is full not only with the stuff I purchased but also all the stuff he insists we bring with us where ever we go. I'm very frustrated at this point and just hook my right arm around his chest and carry him over to the car.
As soon as I set him down he runs to the hedge that separates the lot from the road. Since he's between my car and another and I have the rear passenger door open he's not going anywhere unless he goes past me. By the time I dump everything in the car, he runs up and climbs in. I'm thinking we might actually get going to our next stop in a couple minutes. Wrong. He goes right past his carseat and climbs in to the driver seat, then sees stuff sitting on the front passenger seat, so he must investigate. (He saw me buy the stuff but still has to look. :rolleyes: ) At this point I just lay my head on my arm against the car roof. Then he starts playing peek-a-boo with me using the headrest. I shake my head nad laugh. It took a few more minutes to get him in his seat and buckled up. Leaving Target was nearly as bad. It's so hard when you just want to get going but have a toddler all of whom are natural lollygaggers. I think this has been a harder test of my patience than getting Ken to make a decision.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I'm back got home Saturday night a little later than I figured. It's amazing how tense and tired driving in a downpour can make you. We were just outside of Frederick when it started. Now at this time of day I'd normally make it from there to home in about and hour. Obivously not last night. I think I still have a knot in my shoulder from how hard I was gripping the wheel. Then from Towson to I-95 Alex was completely distraught. He dropped both his monkey and his juice cup. There is really no where to stop on 695 so i was just trying to get home. He was trying everything in the book he could think of to get me to stop. "Mik,MIk, diaer chane, diaer chane, juice, juice , monksey monksey." Eventually his voice started to fade on him and he passed out.
I let him sleep while I unloaded the car. Carried him upstairs, he didn't wake until I started to undress him and get him in his pjs. I think when he saw where his was he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But he was very happy to sleep in his own bed again.
Anyway let's go back to the beginning. Tuesday was actually a good drive up to Girard. Weather was nice we missed most of the traffic we could have hit. The one funny point was when we stopped for an afternoon snack at one of the places along the turnpike. While snacking on french fries, Alex is saying "hi" and smiling at everyone who walks by. If they kept walking towards the door he'd wave and say "bye" It was just too cute.
We got to my mom's in time for dinner and unloaded the car. Once we got everything upstairs Alex looked around. He's really starting to recognize places. Mom didn't have the PNP up yet and I hear this little voice ask "Where my bed?" After dinner we set it up and got Alex settled. My mom gave me Sherri's number. I honestly have't talked to or seen her since HS. Heh I haven't talked to or seen most of the people I knew from HS, since college if not HS. It was great talking to her. She's still close friends with Patti, who not only lived the next street over from us but I also played fast pitch softball with her. We made tentative plan to all get together Friday.
Wednesday was our kick back and do nothing day. I figured I'd need the rest because usually Alex wakes several times the first night when we travel, sometimes even ending up in bed with us/me. He actually slept through the night. This recognizing places is a good thing. We did both take a nap but for me it was because I didn't actually fall asleep until 3:30. I knew I shouldn't have had that frappicino at 4:30 Tuesday.
We went over to my sister's around 3pm. That's when the kids get home from school. Alex knew Jessica, it took him a bit to get used to Brandon again. He's gotten taller once more, and his hair grew out some too. Alex wasn't too sure about their dog Cassie, she's a big baby but she barks and jumps. Since she's as tall as Alex when on all fours it scared him a little. Then Brandon got out his trains, that was all Alex needed to get comfortable. They set up a simple loop so there were extra track pieces. After they'd been playing for a while the cat came up and started playing with the extra pieces. This cracked Alex up and he let out a high pitch squeal of excitement. The cat literally shot up into the air then right up the ferret's cage. She's sitting on top of this cage, which is 6ft tall, looking down with a "what the hell was that" expression. Then Alex, seeing me and Karen cracking up squeals again. The cat realizes it was nothing and now looks embarassed and does the "I'm always sitting up here" nonchalant act. Everytime I think about it I still laugh. It's not fair because it hurts.
They ordered pizzas and Karen went to go get them once Bobby got home. Jessica went with her and in the process distracted her. She ran into my car. So there is now a nice dent in the driver's side door. I have to go get an estimate for the repair sometime this week. She gave me some money towards this and I'll get the rest once the estimate comes in. Of course my step brothers and Bill are going to rib her about this for months, maybe years.
Thursday was our shopping day. We stopped at mom's office on the way out. I had said that morning was better because we all know at this point how cranky Alex gets even after a nap, in the afternoon. It was a good thing we chose morning. My mom couldn't have done any work anyway. The phone system as well as internet was down as they upgraded everything.
We tried to keep stops to a minimum. The first being BRU. I needed to get presents for two baby showers, coming up in May. As well as get a potty for Alex. We'll start on actual training this summer but I want him to get used to the idea, since he's starting to realize when he goes on his own.Next was the mall so I could get my Anniversary present for Ken. Third is leather and Ken needs new belts. We made a quick stop at motherhood for bras and shirt I could wear to work. All my non-knit shirts are too tight through the arms. I guess lifting 25-27 lbs of child several times a day works your muscles.
We stopped for a lunch/snack at Ruby Tuesday, then our final stop for the day was Old Navy. Alex was drifting off to sleep as I dropped my mom off at work. I let Alex sleep in the car a bit but he woke as I went to check on him. He also started crying when he realized "MA" wasn't there. I don't think he saw her get out. I got him calmed down and into quiet time. (I don't think he ever went back to sleep).
Let's see Thursday night my mom made a cheesecake. Then Friday morning Alex and I just hung out. My mom slept in late I was getting pretty hungry so had breakfast. She apologized, she meant to get up at 9:00 not 10:00. I figured she needed the sleep. 80 hour weeks take a toll on anyone. My stepbrothers stopped by to hang out with Bill and talk about the NFL draft.
After breakfast we went over to the library so that I could drop off the books I was donating. I go through all my books before I go to see my mom because I know the library will take them. They are a small community library not part of the state system and all but a small part of their budget is from donations. I figure if I'm unlikely to read a book again I might as well give it to them. A quick stop at the new natural foods shop, then back home. Lunch (pancakes, Alex was in heaven) and naptime once more. Though I had to run back out to Old Navy because I forgot to bring a couple shirts Alex got as a belated birthday present. I liked the shirts but they were winter weight and size 2T. He fills out most of his 2Ts pretty well so by the time he'd wear these they'll be too small. I exchanged them for a pair of canvas sneakers, a t-shirt, and a pack of socks.
My sister came over with the kids right around dinner. They'd eaten so Alex played with his cousins instead of being tortured by dinner. Sherri called around 6pm. She and Patti would be there to pick me up around 8pm. Karen and the kids left around 7:00. I got Alex into a bath, then bed. Ten minutes later they arrived. Patti was surprised at how much the house felt the same. Bill has done a lot of renovations but I guess it still feels warm and inviting.
Patti hadn't changed a bit, other than her short hair was frosted and the laugh lines around her eyes were deeper. Sherri gained weight but then so did I (a good 80lbs for me). I think Sherri really came into her own since HS. My mom thinks for a long time she was in her sister's shadow. My thoughts were that she had two faces in school. One for everyone, serious, smart good in school and then the more fun personality she shared with her friends. I think the fun personality has taken over. I only ever caught glimpses of it in school. But then I was on the edges of a lot of groups, I kind of moved in and out of them as I needed to. I had a core group of about 3-4 friends and just hung out with everyone else.
We went to Dairy Queen got some dessert we talked so long that they kicked us out so they could close. So we took the long way back to my house via the covered bridge and the back roads. Pointing out where people used to live and talking about who was were, some still in the area some not. At one point they drove by what they thought but weren't quite sure was Rob's house ( he also graduated with us). So Sherri rolled down the window and yelled "Hey Rob" But since it was raining Patti kept driving. They have now warned me that since they know where I now live not to be surpised if late one evening I hear "Hey Cheryl" Mostly because they both come down this way. Sherri's sister is in Northern VA, and Patti's ex (also an Alum) lives in a town ten minutes from me. She brings her daughter down to stay with him during school vacations.
We got home earlier than planned, talked for a bit longer. I went in had another dessert and tea with my mom then went to bed. Most of the next morning was spent packing. Mom got to sleep late again. I loaded the car as she made breakfast. My sister stopped by once more so the kids could say goodbye. Looks like we have talked her into letting them come down here for a week or so in July. It'll be good for them to get away and see new things.
Mom and I had sorted through old photos one afternoon. Mostly because I needed some images for a page idea that's been floating around in my head. But we found a lot of stuff that needs to be scanned and saved. So I packed all that stuff up to take home. In the process we found lots of pictures of my sister and me growing. I don't know why I thought I was overweight in HS. My mom thinks it was because I was a skinny kid until I hit puberty and once I filled out I was a lot bigger than I was used to. I was and 11 in HS which was pretty average. I think what also contributed to this misconception was that my first two years in college I lost a lot of weight. I was down to a 7 at one point. I guess that made me think I'd been fat before. I was back up to a 9/10 by end of college. Then ballooned up after the break up of a relationship. I got back down to a 12 by my wedding after Alex I was a solid 14, until I went of the pill and once more ballooned up. No more pill for me after this, just screws with my metabolism.
I let him sleep while I unloaded the car. Carried him upstairs, he didn't wake until I started to undress him and get him in his pjs. I think when he saw where his was he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But he was very happy to sleep in his own bed again.
Anyway let's go back to the beginning. Tuesday was actually a good drive up to Girard. Weather was nice we missed most of the traffic we could have hit. The one funny point was when we stopped for an afternoon snack at one of the places along the turnpike. While snacking on french fries, Alex is saying "hi" and smiling at everyone who walks by. If they kept walking towards the door he'd wave and say "bye" It was just too cute.
We got to my mom's in time for dinner and unloaded the car. Once we got everything upstairs Alex looked around. He's really starting to recognize places. Mom didn't have the PNP up yet and I hear this little voice ask "Where my bed?" After dinner we set it up and got Alex settled. My mom gave me Sherri's number. I honestly have't talked to or seen her since HS. Heh I haven't talked to or seen most of the people I knew from HS, since college if not HS. It was great talking to her. She's still close friends with Patti, who not only lived the next street over from us but I also played fast pitch softball with her. We made tentative plan to all get together Friday.
Wednesday was our kick back and do nothing day. I figured I'd need the rest because usually Alex wakes several times the first night when we travel, sometimes even ending up in bed with us/me. He actually slept through the night. This recognizing places is a good thing. We did both take a nap but for me it was because I didn't actually fall asleep until 3:30. I knew I shouldn't have had that frappicino at 4:30 Tuesday.
We went over to my sister's around 3pm. That's when the kids get home from school. Alex knew Jessica, it took him a bit to get used to Brandon again. He's gotten taller once more, and his hair grew out some too. Alex wasn't too sure about their dog Cassie, she's a big baby but she barks and jumps. Since she's as tall as Alex when on all fours it scared him a little. Then Brandon got out his trains, that was all Alex needed to get comfortable. They set up a simple loop so there were extra track pieces. After they'd been playing for a while the cat came up and started playing with the extra pieces. This cracked Alex up and he let out a high pitch squeal of excitement. The cat literally shot up into the air then right up the ferret's cage. She's sitting on top of this cage, which is 6ft tall, looking down with a "what the hell was that" expression. Then Alex, seeing me and Karen cracking up squeals again. The cat realizes it was nothing and now looks embarassed and does the "I'm always sitting up here" nonchalant act. Everytime I think about it I still laugh. It's not fair because it hurts.
They ordered pizzas and Karen went to go get them once Bobby got home. Jessica went with her and in the process distracted her. She ran into my car. So there is now a nice dent in the driver's side door. I have to go get an estimate for the repair sometime this week. She gave me some money towards this and I'll get the rest once the estimate comes in. Of course my step brothers and Bill are going to rib her about this for months, maybe years.
Thursday was our shopping day. We stopped at mom's office on the way out. I had said that morning was better because we all know at this point how cranky Alex gets even after a nap, in the afternoon. It was a good thing we chose morning. My mom couldn't have done any work anyway. The phone system as well as internet was down as they upgraded everything.
We tried to keep stops to a minimum. The first being BRU. I needed to get presents for two baby showers, coming up in May. As well as get a potty for Alex. We'll start on actual training this summer but I want him to get used to the idea, since he's starting to realize when he goes on his own.Next was the mall so I could get my Anniversary present for Ken. Third is leather and Ken needs new belts. We made a quick stop at motherhood for bras and shirt I could wear to work. All my non-knit shirts are too tight through the arms. I guess lifting 25-27 lbs of child several times a day works your muscles.
We stopped for a lunch/snack at Ruby Tuesday, then our final stop for the day was Old Navy. Alex was drifting off to sleep as I dropped my mom off at work. I let Alex sleep in the car a bit but he woke as I went to check on him. He also started crying when he realized "MA" wasn't there. I don't think he saw her get out. I got him calmed down and into quiet time. (I don't think he ever went back to sleep).
Let's see Thursday night my mom made a cheesecake. Then Friday morning Alex and I just hung out. My mom slept in late I was getting pretty hungry so had breakfast. She apologized, she meant to get up at 9:00 not 10:00. I figured she needed the sleep. 80 hour weeks take a toll on anyone. My stepbrothers stopped by to hang out with Bill and talk about the NFL draft.
After breakfast we went over to the library so that I could drop off the books I was donating. I go through all my books before I go to see my mom because I know the library will take them. They are a small community library not part of the state system and all but a small part of their budget is from donations. I figure if I'm unlikely to read a book again I might as well give it to them. A quick stop at the new natural foods shop, then back home. Lunch (pancakes, Alex was in heaven) and naptime once more. Though I had to run back out to Old Navy because I forgot to bring a couple shirts Alex got as a belated birthday present. I liked the shirts but they were winter weight and size 2T. He fills out most of his 2Ts pretty well so by the time he'd wear these they'll be too small. I exchanged them for a pair of canvas sneakers, a t-shirt, and a pack of socks.
My sister came over with the kids right around dinner. They'd eaten so Alex played with his cousins instead of being tortured by dinner. Sherri called around 6pm. She and Patti would be there to pick me up around 8pm. Karen and the kids left around 7:00. I got Alex into a bath, then bed. Ten minutes later they arrived. Patti was surprised at how much the house felt the same. Bill has done a lot of renovations but I guess it still feels warm and inviting.
Patti hadn't changed a bit, other than her short hair was frosted and the laugh lines around her eyes were deeper. Sherri gained weight but then so did I (a good 80lbs for me). I think Sherri really came into her own since HS. My mom thinks for a long time she was in her sister's shadow. My thoughts were that she had two faces in school. One for everyone, serious, smart good in school and then the more fun personality she shared with her friends. I think the fun personality has taken over. I only ever caught glimpses of it in school. But then I was on the edges of a lot of groups, I kind of moved in and out of them as I needed to. I had a core group of about 3-4 friends and just hung out with everyone else.
We went to Dairy Queen got some dessert we talked so long that they kicked us out so they could close. So we took the long way back to my house via the covered bridge and the back roads. Pointing out where people used to live and talking about who was were, some still in the area some not. At one point they drove by what they thought but weren't quite sure was Rob's house ( he also graduated with us). So Sherri rolled down the window and yelled "Hey Rob" But since it was raining Patti kept driving. They have now warned me that since they know where I now live not to be surpised if late one evening I hear "Hey Cheryl" Mostly because they both come down this way. Sherri's sister is in Northern VA, and Patti's ex (also an Alum) lives in a town ten minutes from me. She brings her daughter down to stay with him during school vacations.
We got home earlier than planned, talked for a bit longer. I went in had another dessert and tea with my mom then went to bed. Most of the next morning was spent packing. Mom got to sleep late again. I loaded the car as she made breakfast. My sister stopped by once more so the kids could say goodbye. Looks like we have talked her into letting them come down here for a week or so in July. It'll be good for them to get away and see new things.
Mom and I had sorted through old photos one afternoon. Mostly because I needed some images for a page idea that's been floating around in my head. But we found a lot of stuff that needs to be scanned and saved. So I packed all that stuff up to take home. In the process we found lots of pictures of my sister and me growing. I don't know why I thought I was overweight in HS. My mom thinks it was because I was a skinny kid until I hit puberty and once I filled out I was a lot bigger than I was used to. I was and 11 in HS which was pretty average. I think what also contributed to this misconception was that my first two years in college I lost a lot of weight. I was down to a 7 at one point. I guess that made me think I'd been fat before. I was back up to a 9/10 by end of college. Then ballooned up after the break up of a relationship. I got back down to a 12 by my wedding after Alex I was a solid 14, until I went of the pill and once more ballooned up. No more pill for me after this, just screws with my metabolism.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Not much going on today. Doing laundry in order to pack. We'll leave tomorrow for PA after I get an oil change for the car. Actually that's at 9am so we'll leave after lunch and hopefully Alex will be out for a good three hours.
We watched Return of the King, finally (for the first time) last night. We've had the special edition video sitting on the rack for a year and a half now. I guess because we knew it would be three and a half/four hours long we kept putting it off. What prompted this was the fact that TBS showed Two Towers Saturday night. Now Ken's talking about a marathon and watching all three in a row. Right after that he realized that would be a 12 hour marathon, so he asked how long tv mini series tend to be. Looks like we might do it that way in two hour chunks.
I should probably go finish packing but I'm not really in the mood at the moment. Ken also realized that I'll be making a few trips with out him the next few months. Though he may come to CA with us depending on which week it falls. Not sure if he has just one or two weddings booked for August. I wonder if he feels the same way I do. I know actually have a hard time sleeping in our bed without him around. When he went on TDY last month it felt really weird. Now I didn't have this problem in the other house, or in our old bed, and I have no problems when we travel. Must be something about we chose this house and that bed together.
I don't know, who all knows that I scrapbook digitally. Two reasons for this really, one is the no muss no fuss factor. This is really handy because of small fingers that get into stuff. The other is that it allows me to mess around in photoshop and try stuff before I use it on client jobs. So anyway I have a couple of new pages.
We watched Return of the King, finally (for the first time) last night. We've had the special edition video sitting on the rack for a year and a half now. I guess because we knew it would be three and a half/four hours long we kept putting it off. What prompted this was the fact that TBS showed Two Towers Saturday night. Now Ken's talking about a marathon and watching all three in a row. Right after that he realized that would be a 12 hour marathon, so he asked how long tv mini series tend to be. Looks like we might do it that way in two hour chunks.
I should probably go finish packing but I'm not really in the mood at the moment. Ken also realized that I'll be making a few trips with out him the next few months. Though he may come to CA with us depending on which week it falls. Not sure if he has just one or two weddings booked for August. I wonder if he feels the same way I do. I know actually have a hard time sleeping in our bed without him around. When he went on TDY last month it felt really weird. Now I didn't have this problem in the other house, or in our old bed, and I have no problems when we travel. Must be something about we chose this house and that bed together.
I don't know, who all knows that I scrapbook digitally. Two reasons for this really, one is the no muss no fuss factor. This is really handy because of small fingers that get into stuff. The other is that it allows me to mess around in photoshop and try stuff before I use it on client jobs. So anyway I have a couple of new pages.
Sunday, April 16, 2006

I'm starting this all over again. Sorry everyone. The other site I had set up wouldn't let me add all the stuff I wanted unless I paid. I like this better.
What's new, we had genetic counciling this week. Oh the joys of being in advanced maternal age. Actually it wasn't too bad. The woman we taked with did a much better job of taking our family histories as well as explaining things. My friend Jean was kind enough to watch Alex for us. I can just imagine the state I would have been in if we had to take him along. But he was happy he was going to play with his buddy Riley. "Gonna go see Riwe, gonna go see Riwe." Jean said he cried for about 30 seconds once he realized we left, then he was off again.We also had our nuchal trans ultrasound at this appointment. This kid is way different in personality than Alex. I remember when we had this type of u/s done with him. The tech got a little annoyed because he wouldn't hold still. He was spinning and moving, basically bouncing off the walls, the fact that it was making me laugh hadn't helped either. But they did get their measurements. This little bugaboo likes to hide on my lower right side. Was quiet as can be trying to hide behind my very full bladder. It did make is easy for the tech to get the nuchal measurements. She then had me empty my bladder hoping that would get the baby to move so she could get better looks. It did. The baby kicks and waves it's arms but basically stays in one spot.
I got more news today. I got a call from the genetic councilor yesterday afternoon. I remembered today and called her back. We knew the ultrasound was good. The results of my blood test came back. Looks like we can skip the anmio once more. The odds of either downs or chromosome damage has gone down to what would be normal for almost any pregnancy.Other than that I've had the normal for me heartburn and hormone filled pregnancy.
Let's see last week started like this.
Sunday I worked, so not much happened then. Monday I watched one of the other playgroup mom's little boy. She had a dentist appointment down in Towson, her husband couldn't take any more time off between the vacation they took and the stint she ended up in the hospital for pancreitis (?). Riley is a cutie. He's six month younger than Alex. What's funny is up until 6 weeks ago Alex didn't play with the train tracks. He'd take them apart everytime i set them up for him. Well now of course he is, he's also doing the sorting and lining stuff up thing. Riley is of course not to that stage yet, seeing as Alex just got there recently himself. So they're at the train table Alex is trying to run his trains over the hill, meanwhile Riley is taking them apart. Poor Alex was so frustrated he finally gave up and went into the lets dump everything on the floor mode.The next bit is kinda gross so skip it if you need to.I worked Monday night and the big thunderstorm came through about 8:30. Ken had already put Alex down for the night but heard him screaming at the top of his lungs. He things the storm scared him. Got him calm, told him what was happening and layed him back down. A little while later he heard him wimpering, so went back up so check on him, rubbed his back and talked to him again. Little bit later heard him wimpering again but when he got up there Alex was trying to get out of the crib. Ken picked him up and moments later he threw up all down Ken's back. Ken set him down stripped both their shirts off then took Alex to start a bath. Well while he was getting it ready Alex threw up again.Ken says he learned his lesson. If a kid throws up once, put him in the tub in case he need to throw up again, then start the water. So while Alex was in the tub he clean up, the floor in both the bathroom and the bedroom. Good thing that rug is going away by the weekend. All this info was given to me as I walked in the door at 10:30pm. I started a soak for all the puke covered items. Now the only times Alex has thrown up, once he got past the baby stage has been either when he's worked himself into a tizzy about something or when he's had a cold and the mucus gets swallowed and sits in his stomach. He he's had a cold for the last week. It had started clearing up a couple days ago so I stopped giving him the decongestant. We think this whole episode came about with a combo of both being really scared and the mucus. Ken said the vomit had that kind of consistancy.The next morning he was fine and very happy to have his blanket back, that was among the items needing washed. Tuesday was my appointment with the midwives so they could do a doppler, since it was a little early two weeks ago. It was not a good morning for me. Alex woke at 5am and wouldn't go back to sleep though I convinced him to let me get one more hour of sleep, kind of. This means between the scare last night and getting up early he only got 8 hours. So I had a cranky boy on my hands. He doesn't like the waiting room at my dr's office. Not sure why but for what ever reason as soon as we get there he keeps making a break for the door. Wresting with him is embarrassing to me, but I have to do it in this situation. Luckily there was only one other lady there sicne my appointment was so early. They called me in a couple minutes later and I have a kicking and screaming toddler in my arms. They of course want to weigh me, so I have to set him down. He tries to take off, I catch him again, hold his hand while they weight me. At this point I'm holding back tears, I'm so frustrated and embarrassed. As soon as we get into the exam room, he's fine. Happy as a clam. The nurse took my BP and my pulse, I'm trying to calm myself, and keep more tears from falling. Lynn, one of the midwives comes in a few minutes later. Take my BP again, it's now in normal range. We talk a little then she shakes her head looking at Alex and how happily he's playing. She asked about why he was so worked up before. I told her he hates your waiting room.
"Why? does he think it's for him?"
"I don't think so, the waiting room at the pediatrician's office has a small table and crayons, so he likes going there."
"Maybe that's why he doesn't like our waiting room. No crayons."
So she tries the doppler. She thought she heard a heartbeat but my stomach is loudly digesting my breakfast, so she can't get a good listen. Calls over to L&D talks to a nurse who's to give the midwife on duty there the message and sends me over for a quick sono, on their little machine. I do end up waiting a little bit but since we were in an exam room Alex was fine exploring and poking about. Ended up Karen (the other midwife) had gone into surgery for a C-section and it took longer than expected.She starts the sono and the baby is rolling and kicking. "That right there say heartbeat to me. If the baby is moving it must have a heartbeat." A few seconds later we can see the heart beating away. They didn't take a rate because this was just to confirm what Lynn thought she heard.Came home had lunch put Alex down for his nap early because he was rubbing his eyes. Striaghtened up, checked e-mail and vacuumed. Took my own nap. He had a nice three hours today but as usual he wakes up onry. I've given up trying to help him do stuff when he's like this because he won't let me show him the easy way, and starts taking things out of my hand and crying and pouting. With my hormones in an uproar already from the morning it was bringing me to tears again. After trying to put him tobed tonight we're convinced the storm must have scared him. He fought me every step of the way. Things he normally does with no fuss, like changing a diaper and putting on his pjs. Had to put him in the bath again to get things back on normal footing. So far so good he hasn't woken up yet. Of course there is no storm tonight.
Thursday my son was being insane. He finally fell asleep for his nap around two. I had put him down shortly after we got back from playgroup so around ten after 1:00. Twenty minutes later he's calling from his room. "Diarer chane, Diarer chane." He really did need a diaper change but he was a bit mad when I put him right back into his crib. I heard him talking for another 15 minutes or so. So he wakes up late at a little after 4pm. Cranky as all get out. (short nap, up early and woke several time during the night, so overtired) I carry him, his blanket, monkey, trains, and empty cup down the stairs. He starts screaming/crying halfway down the stairs. I get him to the family room set him and his stuff on the couch. He's still screaming. I figure he wants juice, so I fill the cup mostly with water and top it with a couple ounces of juice. Set it on the table next to him, then determine he's crying because he wants his shoes. Which I didn't carry down because I had more than enough in my hands. So I go get his shoes, come down sit next to him to put them on. He hasn't stopped crying this entire time.He jumps up runs to the frige pounds on it. "MiKKKKKK, mmmmmmmmiiiiikkkkkk"I get him a small cup of milk. He drops it. I pick the cup up put it on the table next to his booster seat, then turn to get some teddy grahams for him. The entire time he's standing there next to the table arms stretched out crying for his milk. I pick him up, put him in his chair. He grabs the cup, jumps down and runs to the other side of the room. Set down the cup and continues crying. (here's were I took the pictures). Then he sits down tries to open the guitar case get frustrated and fakes reaching for his milk cup. As soon as I sit down to try and calm him a bit, he grabs the cup and runs to the other side of the table. He proceeds to drop the cup twice. I just stare at him. Finally he's gotten close to the couch again. So I pick him up, set him on the couch, hand him his cup. He's calmed down to sniffling at this point. I put on his socks and shoes. He starts pulling on his left shoe, like he wants it off and the cryin starts all over. I take both his shoes off, thinking he's changed his mind about them. Then he starts crying "Shoe, shoe shoe" Huge sigh and put his right shoe on. That calms him down to sniffling once more. He drinks the milk , sips a little juice then goes back to the milk. Finally he sticks out his left foot and I'm now allowed to put the shoe on that foot. He finishes his drink gets up and goes to the train table. he's just a little nutty.
This brings us to this week.
Monday was not a good day. We went to the toddler music class. Alex was fine until I told him he couldn't have certain things because they weren't his. So he starts crying. I take him to the back of the room. Everyone starts singing he calms down, looks slightly interested. Then he makes for the door, so we go out in the hall. He then decides he wants to go back in but just stands in the door, fine with me, let him get used to things at his own pace. He slowly makes his way back into the room and even participates in a couple songs. Then suddenly he makes for the door. I let him back out into the hall, he then tries to go into another classroom. I tell him no he takes off. I catch him and try and make him sit and calm down. He takes off again, as I lift him the muscles in my lower back spasm because of course I didn't lift right, I'm trying to slow down an out of control child. It's very hard to reason with a kid when you're crying in pain. He does calm down we go back in get our stuff and go home. I can't take anything but tylenol, which is worthless. We get lunch and I get him off to a nap (luckily it was a three hour one.) Still in a great deal of pain I can't stand for very long, I can sit only with good back support, so going to work that night was not an option. I call in, then I call Ken and warn him. Then upstairs to bed and the heating pad. Ken put together some left overs for dinner. After we get Alex to bed I take a hot shower, which made me feel 10 times better than the heating pad. Came down lurked a bit online then went to bed, with a book and my heating pad.
It took until Friday to feel completely normal. I really am going to have to pay attention to how I lift stuff from now on. I don't want to deal with this as I get bigger .
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