Thursday, April 03, 2008

Birthday week update

Tuesday was Quin’s 18 mos appointment. He’s doing well growth wise. 40th percentile for weight 55th for height, 90th for head size. The last of course means he’s gonna hit s growth spurt soon. Our pediatrician has started screening for autism at 18 months. I’ve read articles about starting treatment earlier being more successful. Well Quin failed the initial screening. Now this isn’t all bad, the doctor told me it was because of his delayed speech he failed. He has some pretty significant social skills. Basically they’re setting the net really wide because they’d rather over test and rule out kids who aren’t autistic than miss one who was. He did give me numbers for speech pathologists so I could set up a consult with one. He also gave me the info for the Kennedy Krieger Inst in case I felt I needed to have them look at him to be sure. I’m in the process right now to set up a consult with the speech pathologist they’re supposed to call me back to set up the final appointment today or tomorrow.

I was talking to my friend Jean yesterday and she said her pediatrician has started to do screening for autism as early as 6mos. They were asking her questions about Will at his last appointment. She thinks Quin probably had his one and only ear infection at a bad time. Not only was he learning to walk but it was a time when they pick up new words. Once he was able to balance himself all his concentration went into walking. That combined with the fact that he didn’t pop one tooth until 9 months old and has been getting a new one every couple weeks since then, most recently his second year molars, it probably made things hard on learning new words.

He’s got a big knot in the middle of his forehead. We spent Saturday up in Brooklyn. The only place to run around in front of my FIL’s brownstone is a concrete pad. The entire time we were there not one fall. We get home and I let him out to go play in the yard while we move all my IL’s stuff from the van to my BIL’s car. Suddenly we all hear a loud THUNK!!, followed by crying. He fell right on his face in our driveway.

Like I mentioned I received part of my birthday present Sunday on my birthday, the first season of Torchwood on DVD. I got the rest of it along with a Cold Stone cake on Tuesday. I guessed right. I have a new kitchenaid artisan mixer. I’m excited. You can buy all sorts of attachments for it. Yesterday was good and bad, I woke with a migraine. Even taking pain killers when I wake with one means, I can take the edge off but it won’t completely go away. Unlike the ones I get monthly due to hormones, which go away once I take something and lie down in the dark for a half hour.

We were supposed to go to Towson after Alex’s gymnastics class. Even though it was sunny the temps were in the 40s and it was really windy. It was not great weather for playing in the park, the original plan. Towson mall has a play area for preschoolers in the middle we were going to meet there then go to lunch at the Rainforest café. The thought of driving 25-30 minutes and all the noise once we got there, only to drive back was enough to make me queasy. So we didn’t go. I met Jean and her boys for lunch at the McD’s down the street, it has a play area. An hour of noise, I could handle. Then we came home and everyone took naps. By the time I got up an hour and a half later my migraine was a twinge.

Ken took me to PF Chang’s for dinner last night. It’s definatley a fusion of food styles not sure I’d call it American Chinese because there were a lot of South American/ Mexican flavors in the mix. I enjoyed it, not bad for a chain restaurant. We feel like boring old fogeys though because we were home by 9 PM. We thought about going to a movie but nothing appealed to us, and we’d have to wait almost an hour before the last shows started. With my head still aching a bit I knew I’d be out like a light if we sat in a theater.

In kitchen news we got our pulls and knobs in. Ken put some of the pulls on the drawers. They look really nice. The last of the trim goes up this weekend. SO all we have to do now is put in the order for the 2x6 burgundy tiles to use in the backsplash. So close to being done, not sure it’ll be ready by the party but we’ll try.

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