Friday, January 04, 2008


Well last night was not a good one. Actually it was until about 1:30 in the morning. I had heard Quin fussing off and on since about 10pm. This time it was a full out cry. So I checked on him. The first thing that hit me as I walked in the room was the smell. Yes he had thrown up in his crib then rolled through it so he was covered in little bits of regurgitated lasagne. I can handle baby spit up but once it gets to real food puke, I start gagging myself. I managed to get him sitting up so at least he wasn't laying in it anymore. Then removed the stuff that was clean and finally the stuff that was covered until all that was left was the sheet and Quin. I needed Ken to help at that point. I just couldn't get close to Quin with out almost being sick myself. Ken got him into the bath and rinced him down then soaped him up. Meanwhile I changed the sheet and gathered all the puke covered stuff into the hamper, I figured I'd deal with that mess in the morning. Then I took over and washed Quin's hair got him dried and redressed. He was happy as I put him back in bed. Not a half hour later I hear him again, though he wasn't crying this time. He spit up once more, though this looked mucusy, and didn't smell nearly as much so I cleaned it and him up on my own this time. It's amazing how one little person can create a whole load of laundry by himself in such a short time.

That wasn't the end of it. This morning after breakfast Ken went to change him and he had a major blow out, I mean up to his shoulders in poop. Guess who hit the bath again. I think he's got a stomach bug. No fever and he seems fine otherwise but his poop is still really loose and he doesn't have much appetite. In the course of all this I pulled a muscle in my lower back. This means a trip to the Chriopractior in the near future. I've been walking around like I'm 90 all day.

In other news one of my pages was picked to be Memory Makers featured idea for their online gallery on Jan 8th. I'll leave the link but it won't be active until the 8th. So check it then if you like I'm posting it below as well.

Swish Kit-Tina Chambers
Super star Template-Rene Bross
Felt Pink Scallop Stitch Alpha-Melany Violette

I have a relatively Quiet house for the moment. Alex asked to go to the train museum but Ken said it would have to wait until tomorrow. But they could go to the train store. So they're in Baltimore looking at trains. I'll see them again about dinner time. Until then it's me and my cuddle bug.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

Oh the poor baby...and the poor mommy...and the poor daddy...and the poor garbage man who picks up your trash! lol sorry, I couldn't resist. Hope he is better today. The best part of my girls turning 7 and 8 was they wanted to learn how to do the wash. Once they learned, they were able to wash their own puky sheets when they got better (does this make me a bad mom? I used to gag right along with them too). Of course, at least your husband helps, mine used to sleep right through it all.