Thursday, March 29, 2007

Too much to do

I guess I’m not doing so well posting lately. I guess it’s because I’ve limited time and I know how long it’ll take me to compose a post and it’s easier to read along with everyone else and make a short post than it is to go over everything here. So Alex was out of school Friday as well as Wednesday. He had gotten most of his energy back though he was still taking breaks, and running a slight fever (100-101). That Friday was crappy weather anyway, the whole weekend we stayed in mostly. It made it easier to make sure Alex took a nap, he may be out growing them but when he’s sick he desperately needs one because he doesn’t sleep well at night. I even went home early Friday from work. Lovely freezing rain and sleet made the roads crap.

I got to round two in the competition but I did not make it to the final round. The work turned in was so good. I’ll try again in the fall. I have been submitting to magazine calls as well. We’ll see if that gets me anywhere.

Last week was pretty quiet; everyone was feeling healthy once again. Quin was more than willing to try new foods. At this point it looks like he’ll be our eater. He can finish a full container of fruit or veggie plus some in one sitting. With Alex, when we started him on solids we were lucky to get him to eat half a container. Not that it matters too much, this could all change when he hits 15-18 months like it did with Alex and he’ll be picky and not eat anything, though maybe not who knows. Monday I was feeding him at the same time taking a few bites of my own dinner. He was eyeing my chicken, looked like he was thinking “that looks so much better than what you’re feeding me.” It was pretty tender so I gave him a couple of teeny tiny pieces. I guess we may be pureeing dinner for him sooner than I thought.

Babies are such amazing creatures. There is wonder in their eyes as they see new things. The concentration as they realize their hands can grab and move things. And to hear the pure joy in their laughter is more than enough to make you laugh yourself.

I’m so glad spring weather has arrived we’ve been to various parks a couple times in the last week. I love it because my kids sleep so much better. Alex tires himself out running around like a maniac and I think the fresh air just makes Quin sleepy. Thursday we went to a place called Annie’s Playground. I’m sure I won’t want to go during the summer when all the older kids are there. That’s one thing I remember from last summer. Seven, eight and nine year olds don’t pay much attention to younger kids when they run around. I know I picked Alex up and dusted him off a lot because he got knocked over by older kids racing by. At least in the spring and fall the older kids are in school on weekdays, so preschoolers can play with out being knocked over as much.

Friday while Alex was in school Quin and I went to Target. I needed a bunch of stuff for the dining room. We invited a couple over for dinner, Ken shot their wedding. But as he got to know the groom he found out they had a lot in common, including growing up in Brooklyn. Eddie grew up in the Brooklyn China town and Ken in Bensonhurst, but they were both really familiar with the area. We’ve met up with them several times and finally decided we wanted to make it a bit more than a casual aquaintenship. So we invited them over to dinner. It’s funny how having guests motivates you to put the finishing touches on rooms. I needed a spring/summer table cloth, everything I have that fits the table is fall/ winter. While I was there I found a curtain rod long enough to go across our triple window. My stepmom had left us sheers when they visited in November; I just had nothing to hang them on. I wasn’t willing to spend $80-100 for a custom rod which is what I would have had to get from Lowe’s or Home Depot. I knew Target carried ones that extended to 120” but they were never in stock. They were Friday. So we hung the rod and the sheers Saturday morning after I mopped the floor. Then I went in for my cut and color. I took Quin because Michelle hadn’t seen him yet except for photos. He was so good and flirted with all the ladies there. I think between the two boys I’m in trouble when they’re teens. I got home with an hour to spare for the final dinner prep.

We made planked salmon and grilled asparagus. I tried a new wine, well for me anyway. I like Shiraz but this one from Rosemount estates was a Shiraz Grenache. It had a bit more of a fruity flavor than a Shiraz usually has. I figured it would go well with the salmon. Actually I bout three bottles of wine because I couldn’t decide. I got a pinot noir from Robert Mondavi because I like it and a blush from a local winery. Just couldn’t decide what I wanted until we sat down for dinner and that’s the one I opened. Dinner went really well. Alex was a bundle of energy but in a good way, no whiney break downs. Eddie and Soli brought dessert, a fruit tart. The fresh strawberries and blueberries on top more than made up for the custard. The custard wasn’t so custardy, it was more like pudding, guess that’s why there was a thin layer of dark chocolate between it and the crust. If the chocolate hadn’t been there the crust would have been soaked and wouldn’t have held together.

We plan on getting together again for dim sum in a few weeks. And maybe try to get together for some Mah Jong at some point. Sunday was quiet we did make a trip out to look at washers and dryers. The ones we have are about ready to peter out. I have to run everything through the dryer twice to get it dry and last week one load I ran had items of clothes that were dry coming out of the washer. That says to me it isn’t agitating right. They are 15 years old so we knew it was coming. I do want a larger capacity washer, especially if we’re talking about trying for a third. A bigger dryer isn’t as important because not everything goes in the dryer any way.

That brings us to this week, which has been pretty much same old same old. Tuesday we did go up to Havre de Grace to the park there right on the bay. Just too hard to resist when you have such a gorgeous warm gift of a day. Ken gets back late tomorrow afternoon. He was down in GA again this week. He even went over to say hi to my dad. They went out to dinner at a little Mexican place my dad likes. Friday I have to work, though I think I’m taking a cake in because one of the girls who works Friday has her birthday that day too. Then the boys are taking me out to dinner on Saturday.

The only excitement next week is Quin’s 6 month appointment. Can’t believe it’s been six months already. Where does the time go? I’ll try and get more pictures posted this weekend. It all depends on how quickly I do my assignment for my Photoshop class. I’ll get nothing done tomorrow we have a birthday party at build-a-bear. The next lesson is released Friday; I’m hoping it won’t take too long. The one today I got through, with interruptions, in about 3 hours.

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