I think my children are trying to kill me. Now yes Quin is a much easier baby but he's a bit lazy in his latch especially on my right side. Anyway he has one middle of the night feed sometime between 3 and 4. Now during the day this would take 20-30 minutes but for the overnight one he fights me. Won't latch, pulls his head back, sticks his hands in his mouth, and cries at the top of his lungs that he's hungry. It takes an hour or more to get him finally fed and back to sleep. Alex is now back to getting up at 6am when he hears his dad leaving for work. So just as I'm getting back to sleep (I forgot to mention that starting at five Ken hits the snooze button 3-4 times before getting up.) I have a little voice by my ear going "Hi mommy, diaper change." Needless to say most days, lately I'm groggy and cranky until lunch time.
Quinton cracks me up sometimes. He screams bloody murder when I change his diaper most of the time. I mean it sounds like he's in pain at point but as soon as I button up his onesie it cuts off mid scream. Then he looks at me like " hi mom, how are you?" But poor little boy spits up through his nose. He doesn't spit up often maybe once or twice a day but when he does some portion comes out his nose. I think I'm going to act the doctor about that at his appointment Friday.
Ken now thinks Alex is Joey Ramone reincarnted. All because of the fact whenever a Ramones song comes on the radio Alex stops what he's doing. Starts bopping around and sings along. Granted he sings the verses as well as the chorus but the Ramones music is boppy and what toddler/preschooler isn't going to enjoy jumping around to it. That and the fact that most of their songs are less than three minutes long and pretty repetative, well it makes me think they're just fun for kids. Besides you can learn to count to four really easy because most of them start out with 1,2,3,4. It is kinda funny listening to your 2 and a half year old sing "20, 20, 24 hours to goooo oo o, I wanna be sedated" as he jumps up and down.
I think it's finally starting to sink in that the baby isn't going away. Alex is starting to awknowledge him instead of ignore him. I think the first coupld weeks he was in denial.
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