Funky surprises today music wise. On Yo GabbaGabba they had the Birthday song from 16 Candles, the one by Altered Images, just not something I was expecting to hear on a kids show.And in the car this morning all of us were bopping along to Say Hey (I love You) by Michael Franti and Spearhead. Very infectious song. http://www.downloads.nl/results/mp3/1/Say+Hey+I+Love+You
Yesterday was bit unusual, Ken is actually leaning democrat this election. Actually he doesn't know which way to go, he's really waiting for the debates but he made a chart on what he feels are key points and is filling in how each canidate stands. In Field and Stream this month they had interviews with both canidates. Ken thought for sure McCain would come out ahead because F&S is for sportsmen and definately has an NRA leaning. But after reading it (he made me read it too) He felt like McCain was talking around the issues, primarily on land use and preservation, and environment. The only thing according to Ken, that he had going for him was the gun issue. Any true sportsman wants preservation of public lands and National parks because if those lands are gone so are the animals. After reading the article my feelings were just reinforced. I think the only good point McCain made was to restore the wetlands along the gulf coast because they would help control flooding after hurricanes. Anyway I can't believe it but this maybe the second presidention election where we'll be voting the same. (He couldn't in good consience re-elect Bush) Normally he votes party line straight down. I haven't done that in a long time. I vote based on canidates and don't base it on party. Must be the moderate in me.
Oh I disagree with the reps on a whole slew of issues but I think the dems try to do too much sometimes. I have yet to vote rep in a presidental race. usually it's the smaller local ones. I usually call myself north of center in terms of political leaning. I'm sure if you talked to a real rep they'd tell you I leaned dem. I grew up in NW PA which is very rep, hence the reason I escaped as soon as I was able. I think the reason I tend to be centerist is spending 15 years in the DC area four while in college, when I was forming a lot of world views. I see wrong being done by both sides and wish for a bit more compromise. Heh, my husband and I disagree on the whole gun thing but I know I won't change his mind and he won't change mine so we just let it go.
I just hope I can introduce my kids to all views/cultures and let them judge based on the values I raise them with. I love letting them listeno all sorts of music, which is partly why I like Backyardigans. It's funny because I have two friends who can't stand the show. One because she says it's too hip hop. My reaction was HUH? yes there are a couple of eps that are hip hop but there are just as many that are polka. The other says it's too ghetto, I just shake my head at that one, I must be a bit ghetto myself if that's the case.
It just amazes me the difference even three weeks can make in a child. We started Quin in a program called Infants and Toddlers. It's run by our school district for children with developmental delays. Quin gets speech and occupational therapy classes three mornings a week he's also part of a music therapy class on an additional morning. They're really working on his fine motor skills and getting him to at least find non-vocal ways of communicating. I'm sure later on sign language will be taught but as the hand co-ordination isn't there yet we're finding other ways. Anyway he can now put together those simple wooden puzzles. He can stack rings and use one of those shape sorters. We're starting to work on wrist rotation, so those things will get easier. He makes eye contact now when he wants to continue a game. He'll bring things over to me, like his shoes, when he wants to go out. Or he'll go to the pantry and get out what snack he wants and give the bag to me. He's starting to imitate actions used in various song. He at least listens to instructions, sometimes actually following them, heh like most toddlers actually follow instructions when they don't want to. He such a brighter happier child as well lately, though the willfulness of being two has started as well.
Then there is Alex. He's finally been motivated to poop in the potty daily. He earns a star every time he does once he gets twenty he gets a prize. He's so motivated he's been trying to poop twice a day. Sometimes he actually does.What cracks me up are his descriptions of his poop. "I pooped a corn cob today mama." or "I pooped two carrots and a radish." This isn't actually what he ate but what they look like to him.
I had more to say but must go get Monkey boy from school run a few more errands before I leave for work. Which will be very dead tonight as the Ravens are playing the Steelers on Monday Night Football.
Speaking of older siblings taking the younger one's new toys, that's exactly what happened here the last couple days. At Quinton's birthday party he didn't even get to open his own presents, Alex did. Quin is looking at his own presents like "Hey can I play with that?" We bought an 8x8 bouncer for his present. All the kids got to enjoy that Tuesday. I'm so happy the rain stayed away until after everyone left. 15 kids and 8 adults inside my house would have been nuts. Then yesterday evening when we opened his present from Aunt Su, the first person to play with it was Alex, of course.
Yesterday was Quin's 2 year doctor appointment. He's 28 lbs (I could swear he's heavier) and 35 inches tall. No shots this time but he did get the flu mist. Wwasn't real happy with that, but then he really hates going to the doctor. Our doctor said that even though he's making a lot of progress that we should set up and interview/evaluation with Kennedy Krieger, just to make sure he's getting all the services he needs. So I spent the afternoon on the phone with them. It loks like one of the doctors there is starting a program and Quin may be good for what they're doing, if not we'll have to wait possibly 6 months to get an evaluation from the CARD Center there. If that's the case one of the other pediatricians at our office will do the evaluation because he has a specialty in developmental delays. I swear sometimes he says actually words the problem is it's never when I'm focused on him so, I'm not sure if I heard right or if it's just wishful thinking on my part. Like he'll be in another room and in the midst of his babbling I'll hear a word, or in the morning when I'm still groggy I'll hear something. Ahh well.
I am so totaly geeked, last week was the announcement for CS4. I'm guessing the actual release will be in November. $199 for the upgrade, with my NAPP membership 160ish. I wish I could afford the entire standard design suite but to upgrade to that would be about $800. Not in the budget right now. Doesn't matter I will be absolutely happy to just get my hands on the new photoshop. Maybe I can talk my dad in to giving me the money for christmas, for the upgrade,not the suite. He's generous but not that generous.
So Alex was playing with my old fuji camera, he got some interesting shots. Debating on keeping that camera because we can get about $60 for plus another $75 for old cell phones, which would make a nice amount for christmas presents for the kids. Heh not even going to say what's on my wish list, besides the photoshop upgrade, the new D90 from nikon, would be lovely that and some new lenses. Those will have to be wishes because my SB800 is no longer syncing with my camera, that's the priority. Why does all the good stuff come out at once?