Thursday, August 09, 2007


Blog Prompt: I'm in the mood for some "current events" today and would love to hear what the weather is like in your part of the world. Also, how much did you pay for gas the last time you filled up your car?

Hmmm weather here in Maryland is actually pretty typical for August, upper 90's and 70% or more humidity. I know becuase I complain about it almost every year. Though I notice it's worse when you have kids and have to find stuff to keep them occupied because it's too hot and humid to let them play outside for very long.

Now I was actually pleasantly surprised Tuesday afternoon when I filled up that it was $2.82 for mid-grade. Kinda sad that I think 2.82 is a good price. But compaired to 3.10 about a month a go it is. Oh how I miss the days of under 2.00 a gallon not even going to think about the days of under a dollar a gallon.

Blog Prompt 8/8/07: What is your favorite day of the week?
I have to say my favorite day of the Thursday. Mostly because for the longest time it has been the night I usually watch TV for my favorite shows. It's also playgroup day so the boys get to play with their friends. It's the night of the Freebs chat with Tina Chambers at DSP. When my husband isn't traveling it is the one day I don't have to make him lunch, he goes out with the guys to the chinese buffet. And the weeks he is traveling it is the day he comes home.

Blog Prompt 8/7/07: Look at your hands. Why are you grateful for them?
I'm grateful for my hands for all they help me create, whether on the computer or through crafts and cooking. They allow me to make things for my family and friends to enjoy. I can hold my children's hands and faces. I can relax stroking my cat's head. I can tickle my boys all these things would be much harder to do with out them.

Blog Prompt: Aug. 6 is Lucille Ball’s birthday. I thought she was a great comedienne so in honor of her birthday, I thought we could tell a joke.

Since it is also Monday, I think many of us need a joke to make us smile today!
Sorry all I have today is a silly knock knock joke I taught my three year old.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Alex who?
Alex the questions here.

The weirdest thing happened over the weekend, we were watching Handy Manny on Playhouse Disney. In this episode he was fixing a treehouse for two boys at their Abuela's house. The younger boy Alex was being left out of his older brother's game/club because he was only 6 and it was for 10 year olds. Now this is the first time I ever hear the older brother's name even though this episode has been on a couple times. The older brother was named Quinn. It kind of threw me for a few minutes. The two brothers had the same nicknames as my boys though the relationship is reversed. Alex is the older, and Quin the younger.

Can I say how much I'm looking forward to September. Mostly because I'll have a couple hours to myself again in the morning. Alex will be in school and Quin will be napping. Amazing how used to little things like that you can get. So it's really dawning on me that Quin will be a year old soon. I worked on the invitation for his birthday party. The weddig Ken was supposed to have the last weekend in September got postponed so we're planning the family party for then. The playgroup party will be the following Wednesday. I keep wondering if I should be worried Quin still hasn't tried crawling or pulling himself up. He likes standing and will grab old of my fingers to pull up but he hasn't done it on his own. He hasn't even pulled himself in to a sitting position on his own.

I feel like it's my fault. He gets a little lost in the chaos. It seems like as soon as I start working on anything, like getting a meal together Alex has a crisis, though I make him wait until I can get to him, it still pushes Quin's needs to the back burner. I'm hoping once Alex is in preschool again, spending time alone with him will help.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

I loved your blog banner! Thanks for doing all the prompts this week. I'm ready to come to Maryland because right now it is 104 here in SC. That is a neat coincidence about the names on TV matching your sons. Loved the joke too!